

How She Got her Future Husband?
Several months went by. Diksha had a number of dates and social engagements, but none of the men she met was what she was looking for. She began to wonder if her quest was hopeless. There was nothing to be concerned about.
Soon afterward, she took a new position as head administrator in a medical group practice. The first day when she was on the job one of the senior physicians came by her office to introduce himself. He had been out of town at a medical conference the day she had interviewed for the position.
The minute he walked in, she knew he was the man she was praying for. Apparently he knew it too. He proposed to her before a month had passed. Diksha got what she prayed for because she claimed it mentally until she reached the point of saturation. In other words, she mentally and emotionally united with her idea, and it became a part of her.