

Wonder Memories
The shapes change in the clouds while the earth. Well got this other stuff going on. So a ride drives but you can't see who is inside. Is this car self driven like a Tesla or is it something else. Oh well who really knows about that.
So She an her kids go one way. An the head of the family would go his own way. But that lady took good care of the man. She worked hard everyday to keep us schooled and we worked and did yard work, clipping heages fight wasp and bumblebees an bee hives that would weirdly enough make it's home in our
back screen door every summer. Now I think back if I would have focused on that. We could have taken those honey cones and made fresh honey interesing
now. But very dangerous to get stung.
Every summer like clock work the back door would not close because this big beehive was sitting up in it. An we had to get this big wasp spray in a long red can you have to pump the black handle to get the repellent to fly out and get the bees and wasp. Oh that was a site to watch. while drinking my lemonade I used to make for myself and everybody in the house sometimes. Once I learned how to make it was a cool drink. An now I make limeaid it's some what cheaper then lemonaid who knows why inflation or price galjing who knows.
But it's been flowing for a few months around here and everywhere. So I am often reminded of when the bee hive fell down then the bees and wasp left. An I looked at the honey cone to examine it for survivers or to see how they all fit in there. And it was little a pyramid with door way holes of honey
coming out so you could say they had a sweet house. Never new what the car driving was but I hope that they keep cool to on this summer day like no other.

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