

written by god
Hi everyone
All of them have their own story in their life. but actually it was already written by majesty. just turn your face to past and you will also get many stories to create a new world. now lets begin our story.
Written by god

Someone opened the door . party was going on . all are making themselves comfortable.'sara' beautiful girl in that street. all of them know her. her birthday celebration going . robin (neighbor of sara) came with a surprise gift. she likes him a lot he gave her lot of chocolate and always be with her. everyday she play with him. years passed she became a girl. she even got nightmares when she slept and always dreamt of robin. whenever she dreamt she got upset. then she realised something about her past that he misused her for abuse activity. she got depressed by him but she didn't told this to anyone and life going miserably. after that incident she was really upset it also affected her studies.noone notices the change. she even become alone everywhere.Alex came into her life then slowly she forgot the past . Alwx isschoolmate of sara. he loves sara and she also. they become a soul. within 6 month she really cared him. after few months alex mid has changes and he got a new girlfriend. it make heart break. she really liked him. he gave hopes to her but nothing left in her hand. only the words that he did on their relationship remains. her condition got worsen. after that she decided to concentrate in her studies. and even got a good job. noone is there for her. she maked a world by herself.
all this things happened in her life but she still fight for her survival. noone is there for help only god written something in our life we have to move with his move as a chess.

© krishna