


You know what's upsetting going to work only to find out that your only source of income as been shut down permanently...uhhh,at least I have a cute neighbor to look at.

beep beep!!my phone rang...
who the heck is texting me..this is bad timing...
I picked up phone and saw an unknown number...who the heck is this...I said to myself...and when I opened the text and it said*meet me at the restaurant opposite the building*.

Who could this be...*I wondered to myself
maybe it's one of my old friends back in the day,or it could be a complete stranger...hmmm, what to do,what to do...do I go or don't...hmm, God I know you can hear me.. should I go or not..

You know what am gonna take the silence as a yes....

*looks like going on a lunch date*.

7Minutes later she got to the Ever green restaurant a very prestigious restaurant with lots of exquisite foods,and when I mean exquisite I mean it and it's also very expensive.

*okay, now where's the wierdo that texted*she said.

*heyyyy*a guy taps her.

*who the heck are you*she said as she turned slowly to the back.. only for her to see Bryan.

*Bryan??what a pleasant surprise*she said as she chuckled softly.

*oh my gosh...you even cuter face to face than when I stare at you from the window*she whispered to herself.
*what did you say*Bryan asked.
*nothing.. nothing*she said as she blushed.

*so...get any text lately??he asked as he smirks.

*text...I haven't go-ohhh, you're the one who sent me the text.*she said.

*yup, guilty as charged,*he said
have a seat*Bryan said.

*so what's the reason for this date*Bree asked.

*well,I thought it would be nice to have lunch with a girl that stares at me from her window*he said as he smiled.

*what do you mean*she said embarrassingly.

*actually I've caught you looking at me lots of times,even when I sleep,-he then leans forward and says*you do know it's illegal to watch someone right,that's kinda creepy.

*ohh my..wow, looks like I've been caught red handed... literally because my binoculars are red*she said as they both laughed..

*you're funny,and beautiful,and also smart..you amaze me Bree..*he said .

*thank you... that's the nicest thing anyone as said to me...well except for my parents they tell me nice things all the time*she said as she chuckled.

Bree and Bryan are laughing hard as they continue to talk and know each other better...

*woah it's been four hours... that's a long time.*Bryan said.

*I think we just broke a worlds record... record for the longest lunch date*Bree said.

*looks like I've gotta go,so see you when I see you *he said.

Then Bree and Bryan both stand up and they both stare at each other.

*ummm..I am utterly confused and lost right now*Bryan said.
*I have never seen a more dazzling set of eyes*Bree said...

*no Bryan...it's to early*he said as he put his phone in his pocket and walked out...

*well that was wierd...

© lucky.E.