

The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse. He wondered what a old woman will be doing with an object like that. The woman was scared like she was hiding something. He pretended not to notice and gave her back the purse with the gun underneath it, the old woman hurriedly receive her things and galloped away. He knew something was wrong so he decided to follow her all the way. He took every turn she made.
Just then she made one more turn, to which he also followed. On getting there, the old woman undressed and shockingly turned into a middle aged black man. He was in a little tent he built close to a filthy environment. The man realized he was actually not a woman but a man. He approached the black man and ask him what he was doing with a gun, the black man didn't not hesitate to say, "I am just a black man in this cruel society, trying to provide for my Daughter" pointed to his famished girl in the tent. He continued saying "I lost my properties and everything I had because the whites weren't comfortable I was earning just fine in their land, and that pushed me to living in the slum". The man asked "why were you then with a gun?"......the black man responded "the gun you saw me with has no bullets, it's only with that in people's face that they give you what you want from them, I know it's not right but how am I suppose to survive, even the purse you have back to me wasn't mine" The man eventually left the black man alone and felt bad he couldn't help because he was also black and his white wife divorced him and took everything from him two weeks back, just two black men trying to survive.

© Isaac Jimoh Samuel