

Mr . Detective
in Europe . The Europe president jant were killed .

Breaking News :

Europe president jant were killed . The police were finding the killer .

In police station :

comisnor -- Quickly we should find the killer .

police -- sir we can call Ram .
comisnor -- okay call him .

in Germany :

Ram was a Indian and he is good detective also . he handled and solved 50+ cases .

Ram -- okay . tomrrow i will come .

in Europe central :

Ram -- okay let's go to president's house .

police -- okay sir .

in president's house :

Ram -- it was completely a suicide.
police -- sir how do you say that it was a completely a suicide ?

Ram -- simple thing He drank poison and his head was broken . I think he jumped from the top .

police -- yes sir .

Ram -- inform to media .
police -- okay sir .

Breaking News .

president was not murdered he was attempted suicide .

In police station :

comisnor -- something wrong . constable .

constable -- yes sir ?
comisnor -- call suriya .
constable -- yes sir .

suriya -- sir ?
comisnor -- do you know any detective .

suriya -- why sir ?
comisnor -- please call any detective please .

suriya -- sir only one detective is there his age is 75 . He handled and solved 99 cases . sir the police will call Mr . Detective .

comisnor -- Now where he was ?
suriya -- in India. .

in India :

Night 9:00 pm .

in medical shop :

Mr . Detective -- sir ! sir !
shop keeper -- tel me sir .
Mr . Detective -- sir for me stomach pain can you give medecine.

shop keeper -- what do you eat now .
Mr . Detective -- going to eat .
shop keeper -- yesterday night what you ate ?

Mr . Detective -- yesterday night ! two bottles bear and one bottles alcohol .

shop keeper -- what is your age ?
Mr . Detective -- 75 .
shop keeper -- get out !

Mr . Detective was a drunker. After drinking alcohol he will speak like anything .


Mr . Detective -- what ?

servant -- yes sir . European police called you sir for sloving the case .

Mr . Detective -- okay I will go .

servant -- sir i wanto ask one question ?

Mr . Detective -- ask .
servant -- did you get married ?

Mr . Detective -- yes .

servant -- then who is your wife tell sir.

Mr . Detective -- Now i will not tell .

servant -- then when
Mr . Detective -- as soon as possible .
servant -- sir i also will come !
Mr . Detective -- okay .

In Europe :

police -- sir our comisnor called another detective .

Ram -- who is he .
police -- He is an indian .
Ram -- what is his name ?
police -- Mr . Detective they told .
Ram -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Let him come !

in police station :

comisnor -- okay I'm going to appoint new officer . name Naoraj .

Naoraj -- Hai I'm Naoraj . I came here to work as a Asistant comisnor .

in indian Airport :

servant -- sir . what is your name .
Mr . Detective -- Mister.
servant -- good name sir .

Flight is going to move pasanger Mister can come fast .

Mr . Detective -- come fast . .

in flight :

servant -- sir do you hungry .
Mr . Detective -- yes .
servant -- me too sir .
Mr . Detective -- i want only bear , Brandi . .

in Europe :

Naoraj -- kill him he is in the flight .
guards -- okay sir . .

in flight :

Guards -- hey move and sit .
Mr . Detective -- okay .
guards -- stupid stupid stupid come and fight with me .

Mr . Detective -- No time and i am a old man .

Guards -- Ha Ha.
Mr . Detective -- I'm told that I am a old man but I didn't tell you i will not fight . If you wanto fight . fight with my servant .

Servant -- sir !!
Mr . Detective -- enjoy .

Guards were beat him . .

Mr . Detective -- No No . servant take the gun and shoot .

Servant shooted guards . .

in Europe :

sir he shooted our every guards . .

Naoraj -- while flight landing he should die . do something . He should not enter inside the Europe .

okay sir . .

Flight landed in Europe . .

The story is :

The president were killed by Ram and Naoraj because of the business problem . .

Mr . Detective -- the story will continue . .

written by

Indian writer

The End

© Indian writer Darshan