

How To End?
Start your story about how a single word may bring a fight to an end.

All around wherever I look one thing which seems visible is the existence of my and the self of mine .
Why is this so?. Who is that I , I am talking about?
Has anyone ever asked one penetrative inquiry to his/her individual selves? Why is it so hard to recognise ourselves as human than anything else in this world of MARA( illusions).
The reason is very simple and aptly clear because we have already divided our- selves into this or that type of individuality not humanity so how it can be our central concern.
It is ever asked: how to come to the truce ?
This is the most trending and buzzing phrase of the 21st century.
I would like to connect my reader to something before going further.
I remember once I was told that if you want to come to terms with someone or feel any sort of hesitation in bury the hetches just give yourself to the talk with that person with whom you want to make things better. And really it works almost all the time barring a few exceptions.
With this short paragraphing I would like to take my readers back to our track:-
This century as many well read scholars seem to proclaim:- this is the era of dialogue and discussion not of war and chaos.
But what we are destined to see in return is only war and chaos not debate and discussion in this modern democracy.
This is not about these world leaders and their so-called war propaganda whether it is Ukraine or Gaza happenings or somewhere else more than that this penetrative inquiry is deeply rooted in humans and what is central to its life.
I ask a simple question, is there a war only among nations or within the nation state not within our lives which is very central to us?
In this story we started with the phrase:- give me a word to end a fight.
Can you judge human mentality first we go for a war then look for a word? It irks and makes me laugh at the same time.
So can anyone suggest to me which word I should propose to those human beings who have fought in their nature.
Let's enquire how this began?
As I began writing, there was a clear mention of the social division of a person into two.
Now again come to our question of suggesting a word to end a fight.
Before proposing any to come to the truce we need to understand all the facets of fight.
The very meaning and meaningfulness of the fight itself.
It will be wrong to ask , why do we fight. Conversely we should ponder over the types of fight we are blind and unknowingly making those fights part and parcel of our so called smooth life , which is really not, . Because of our ignorance we call skrimish at borders a fight, which is largely the result of our blindly followed practices that we don't call fight.
Rather than looking at international anarchy and finding a suitable word for its smooth running, there is some qua non need to find a piece of word to understand those fights which we have made our life.
Now, let's light upon a few of those fights to better understand the solution.
As Hegle ( philosophical chair of the state of Prussia) said: there always lies a unity of opposite. For instance Every Shaktimaan has his Kilvis, every movie has a villain.
After him Karl Marx gave his theory of dialectical materialism where he defended the antagonism of classes as a historical process. For instance master - slave in ancient times, lord- serf in mediaeval times, capitalist and workers in modern times.
This division according to him causes contention and type of fight between them .
Although Marx tried to give a solution or we in the language of this essay " suggest a word to end the fight" and for him " communism" is that word but never made it happen in his lifetime.
So, if he were today, would he be happy with the type of communism we see in Russia, china, or many other nations. Definitely not. But why?
Because a word does not suffice not even a theory to tame the human animal.
Finally, a solution in my opinion does not lie in a word or phrase or any type of ism . It solely lies with those hemming the steering of this divided world. Who are they then ? They are not leaders of our nation states but they are the human the enlightened one who possesses every sort of material but sometimes loses humanity because of our arrogated centrality.
I ask you not to give me a word but the centrality of human life, and I believe we will solve every chaos of this world.
Thank you. I wish for better for humanity.

© Ser Nihilo