

Beautifully Unreachable ( Chapter 1)
When you look up into the night sky, you hope for stars, disappointment taking over when all you see is darkness. And maybe that's how it's meant to be, but if you're patient enough, eventually a small flicker of light catches your eye. It may take days, years even, but the stars come back, filling the truest hears with an overwhelming joy. The hearts that belong to those who waited all those years for that small light to find it's way to them.

Ares had spent over a millennium on this earth, having been cursed by his father, Zeus to never find a lasting love. Always the outcast, viewed as a coward by those he knew, even his parents despised him. Nevertheless Ares grew strong, fighting wars across all of Greece, thriving on the fear of his enemies.

When the Gods of Olympus fell, the world thought they had perished. Burning away in the flames that consumed temples which once stood tall. What no one knew was that one by one, the Gods all integrated in to the world, undetected by the mortals. By the 1500's; the Gods had spread across the globe, Ares had made his way to Italy.

No one saw him as a threat, despite the fire that burnt bright within his eyes, making his hair black and sooty. Ares had a strong exterior, both strength and height on his side. He had spent his entire existence alone, making his adjustments easier than it was for his family when they fled across the planet. Only Hades remained untouched, none had dared to go to into the burning flames if hell to challenge him, so Hades was finally the brother who ruled a land more peaceful than the mighty Zeus.

And so Ares continued down his path, alone. His heart blackening as his hope began to fade. Sure; he had connections, being one of Italian's wealthiest, but the most he got were dinner parties and invited to a soirée or two from time to time.

Our story starts back in 1494, when King Charles VIII of France invaded Italy. Ares made no hesitations; practically jumping at the chance to be able to fight once more. It had been over a century since Ares had felt so alive, feeling his blood corsing through his veins, the deep beating of his heart echoed through his ears as he stood, sword in hand. It was the end of this war when he met her.

"Cecilia, Nicolás Russo's daughter. You shouldn't waste your time, Nicolás doesn't let any man get close to her without his approval and he never approves." Ares watched the beautiful young woman across the room, taking notice of how her smile made his heart begin to thaw. Her dress was crimson, sitting delicately across her shoulders. Her hair looked as though it had been crafted from the richest earth, several small dark strands had fallen out of the bun that sat low on the back of her head. They framed her delicate complexion, Ares watched her as she met his gaze, her eyes melting like fresh honey on the tip of his tongue.

Her cheeks flushed red and she placed a hand over her mouth, shaking her head slightly towards Nicolás as he encouraged her towards the grand piano that sat unattended in the corner of the room. Eventually she sat, gently placing her dainty hands on the keys, playing softly at first. Ares watched as the music guided her, her eyes were closed but she had yet to miss a single note. He watched Cecilia with a curiosity he hadn't felt in almost a hundred years as the melody grew fierce, filled with an emotion that silenced the room. Everyone watched in awe as Cecilia poured her heart out into the song.

As soon as she stopped playing, opening her eyes and looking round the room, Cecilia stood, nodding towards the crowd before walking out of the room. Ares soon followed, his curiosity getting the better of him, making his way through the corridors, looking at the various ornaments and paintings. He noticed Cecilia stood on the balcony, gazing at the sky. Ares made his way over, standing next to her.

"Why do you think the stars hide away so often?" Cecilia sighed, turning to face Ares who was taken aback by the tenderness of her voice,

"I couldn't say, I'd like to think that maybe they don't hide, but instead are away conducting some sort of business." Ares looked back up at the sky, feeling her gaze remain on him,

"I haven't met you before," Cecilia's brow furrowed as he continued to gaze up at the sky.

"That would be because im from a different land, one no where close to this one Lady Cecilia." Ares smirked as Cecilia bit her lip, contemplating what had been said.

"It's apparent you know of me, do I get the pleasure of knowing you?" She watched as Ares turned to her, noticing that his eyes illuminated like fire would.

"Ares, " he turned his head towards the door, hearing a bount of laughter come from inside, "It has been a pleasure milady." Ares took her hand, placing a gentle kiss upon her skin before leaving her stood alone once more.

Cecilia couldn't help but smile, thinking of the mysterious gentleman she had just come to know, his hair black as coal, which fell in small curls down near his eyes. His demeanour was strong and commanding yet he had been so sweet with her, Cecilia felt safe around Ares. She thought this odd as she knew virtually nothing about him bar his name and he was not from this country. She gazed back up at the sky, wondering if maybe the stars had been there all along, hiding in wait, making it fate for her to encounter Ares that night. She placed her fingers on the spot his lips had touched moments before, her skin tingling as though the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach had migrated throughout her entire body; leaving her speechless and wanting- needing to know more....

He appeared in a pitch-black void. Beings of cosmic scale fought before his eyes. They fought and fought. Fought against the unending swarm. An endless multitude of amorphous flesh. Morphed into tentacles, morphed into worms, morphed into bubbles, morphed into flesh, flesh and flesh. These beings came from the deep, from the depths of the cosmos, from the chambers of the chaos. They plucked out planets, They plucked out stars, They plucked out galaxies. They were...

© by badass girl😎.