

Times I escaped death.
1.When I was 6, I was playing with a candle , And I decided to see what would happen if I put a paper towel in the flame. It quickly spread to my pinky but I screamed for my mom and she got water, And put out the fire.

2.I was in the car with my Mom's Aunties Daughter, And I was playing around with a peppermint. in my mouth. I was like 8? around 8 or 9. And there was a MASSIVE bump in the road , And I was gonna say wow or woah,But the peppermint slid down my throat and got caught. She pulled over (Her name is Nicole) And Squeezed me and did whatever she could to get it out. It came out, But when we arrived to her house, i had to drink hot water.

3. I used to live in an apartment with my mom at the same time as #2, And I couldn't swim and I still can't. We had a pool at the apartment , Everyone was there. I was running around the pool, But I fell In. my mom saved me, But it happened at least 5 times until we got a house.

4. I was 3, with a marble in my mouth. so I tried to swallow it, But I started choking so I wheezed and forced it out, And It came out. I haven't told my mom though to this day.

I guess I'm lucky, Idk.

© Peep