

In his World (I surrender) - Chp II
It's almost 7pm and I finally reached my home as usual taking the public transport.

I opened the door, removing my heels and walked into our living room. Our house was kindda cozy and warm which consist of a medium sized hall, a open kitchen and two bedroom with attached bathroom upstairs but our garden was big, it had enough space for a big table and few chairs to fit, we also have the swing which me and my son love. we usually eat our dinner in our garden and is really beautiful at night.

"Mom. I'm home" I announced and made my way to the bedroom. It's 7 so Steve is playing with this kid called James who is our neighbours son.

Steve loves to stay with James. I don't know why he's attached to this kid but maybe because they are of same age or because James is his only friend.

"Jane I've prepared coffee" I heard my mom

"Thanks. I'll there in 5" I quickly freshened up, slipping myself into my night pajama and made my way downstairs
"Mom...." I back hugged her, placing my chin on her shoulder "Guess what...." I looked at her showing my signature smile "I'm hired!"

she turned towards me confused "You got the job?"

I nodded "Yes and....they also know that I'm a single mother with a kid and yet. They. Hired. Me"

My mom chuckled caressing my cheeks "I told you didn't I. your the most luckiest in this world Jane"

I rolled my eyes, slightly disagreeing to that "Anyways mom...I'll bring Steve. we'll have dinner outside today"

"Outside? But...."

"I know you cooked but.....Since your daughter is hired....It's my treat. what say?"

I know what my mom's gonna say.
I sighed "We'll invite Jermy as well. Cool?"

she gave a huge smile. Cool.

Jermy. Jermy Murray D'Souza. My younger brother from another mother.
Well. My Dad was having an affair without my mom's knowledge and he also had this baby boy with his affair who is almost in his 20's now and my dad died handing him over to my mom and now he became our responsibility.
About his mom? She died too. We don't have any other option than providing a shelter to him.

I picked my phone walking out. After few rings, he finally picked.

'What is it?'

Damn his voice. it annoys me.

"where are you?" I asked clearly knowing the answer what he will say

'None of your business'

"Your right. It's not my business. Anyways....Mom wants you to join us for the dinner tonight. we're going out for dinner" I knocked on the door in front of me.

'I'll be there. at 8' saying this. he hung the call.

what a brat. I sighed knocking the door again "Mrs.Joe~?"

"Coming Miss.Janet~" I heard her say.

after few minutes, the door finally opened with a good view of my son standing right in front of me with his boxy smile and messed up hair

"Hi there" I kneeled in front of him "What's with all this mess?" I strocked his hair which was completely messed up

"Mama Mama... James got a Marvels Avengers Video game. we were playing playing playing and playing but...." he made a sad bunny face "I lost every time..." and suddenly his face lit up "But I'm Steve Murray! I'll never give up"

I gulped looking at him. My mind went blank for a second after hearing him say those words, memories I wanted to bury started to flash like a mini theater in my mind.
and the words.....It echoed.

"I'm George. George Christopher Fernandes. I'll never give up!"

His voice. That deep voice which.....make my heart skip a beat.

to be continued......
by Purpgrl 💜

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