

The tale of a Vampire- pt 1
Alex here. Well, some might know me as I told a tale on how I met a lost soul in a creepy cave castle, I survived a Vampire. However my life gotten pretty complicated after that with a demon who likes me and well have Dextro to serve me.

Well, my life changed entirely as the offer was actually very convincing that I gotten. So you are probably wondering what happend? Well, for one he had a point with my irretating nephew and well Dextro kind of killed him in a sense. I let the poor soul live as a thrall for the rest of eternity serving me and Detro. As this truely pleased me. Killing him I think would have haunted me for all my life. I had to choose to do what Dextro wants to set us both free. I could also have died and possibly just as well be his thrall polishing the stupid castle, but I couldn't resist the offer so. From there on I kind of have a pet Vampire which was terrifying at the start in more than one way. He is totally weird as the time I met him. His ego is very big tho, but it in a way is making him so mysterious and grand that I can't seem to place him. Also as if he is subtly flirting in a way and letting me fall for him to let my guard down so he can gnaw away at me. Like he did with the one scumbag that terrorised the city with a petty crimes and then started assaulting the people in the sleep whilst robbing them.

The poor guy wasn't even ready for Dextro as he thought that the girl he was suppose to rob suddenly was Dextro and his charming eyes beamed at him and just froze him like he did with me. This encounter was strange to watch as his method is pretty much a whole drama. The same like mine and then he just suddenly lunged as it the horror he ensued was his appetizer and gave him the need to feed even more.

It was horrifying to watch it all, but in the end it felt good to do some justice for once. Dextro became my justice machine for a while and I felt good on the difference I am making in this world. He changed ever so slightly as he gotten stronger as he fed and also his castle gotten a few more slaves.

"Alex, a moment please if I could cut in? I do admire your thoughts about me, but we have to get this thing going especially since you got us in jail.."

"Dextro, what did I say about reading my mind and talking to me telepathically? You are sometimes so annoying. I told you I will find a way to free us from the Demon. Besides that I think this must have gotten some attention from your stupid brother especially with some of your unfortunate victims with holes in their neck drained of all blood. "

"Yeah, whatever Alex you just don't understand it just feel like you are just wasting my time eventho I have plenty of it. I took a few things for me just to be in the idea of being your slave and I can't believe it is so desperate. Same like you it is like this whole experience has given you an enormous god complex and you enjoy sending these criminals to oblivion."

" Dextro stop complaining and bend the bars open or phase us out of here and let me handel the story okay? I can't believe you gotten so ignorant. I wonder what the demon might say about it.. That is if I could find a way to talk to him. We have limits tho, besides don't forget I know of the blood bonding ritual you did with me. It makes me sick to think I am a tiny part of you."

" Don't worry I feel the same and I don't really care if you can talk to the demon either. I am just tired of all this waiting and bidding I have done. This I think might shift your perspective a lot more."

"Wait.. Wait.." Oh well guess I am stuck here now. The idiot just left me here.. Finally some peace, maybe he is right after all. Things have changed alot and I do miss my old life of being a normal kid and not having to sleep with a 1000 year old guy in my room with s coffin under my bed. I hardly get some sleep in tho as thr nights we fight and in the day I am off to school. I am just tired of living a dubble life. Yet it excites me. This is where I think I became more of a psycho as I just became more hungry for pain and dealing out punches.

My knuckles never properly heal and my parents are in a daze as if everything is normal. I am just so angry right now and this is all so frustrating only, because we caught a thief and the police showed up at the wrong time. Luckly before the kill.

Enough of him for now the moon is full tonight and the hunger draws high tonight. I can tell something is up or do I just imagine this feeling? I know I felt it sometimes when my brother is near, but it could also be others like me. This is a...

" Fledgling what do you do without your master? You should be back at your castle. I will smite you where you stand.."

" Pardon me, I am so scared of you.. You poor excuse of a vampire, what did ypu just crawl out the nest and stopped feeding from your mother? Go drink breast blood for all I care leave the real killing for the big boys okay."

"Grrrrr... You are trespassing on my territory and I want you to understand that okay? Besides what are you going to? Poke me to death? You stench of weakness. "

" Okay though guy, let's see who goes to oblivion tonight. I hunger with frustration and you shall be my feast. AHHHH!!"

I can't believe he just left whatever he is doing makes me feel weird inside I feel sore on some places. Hopefully it doesn't last for too long. It is strange how these couple of hours passed and there is just these weird pains I hope he is okay as the sun is going to rise soon. I love the colours of the early mornings. I couldn't get much sleep it is already a habit to pull all nighters and it was probably a full moon last night I haven't seen it this cell is so stupid.

I miss him for once and believe his idiotic charms have his ways on working on my nerves. It is probably only, because as my psychologist say that I am seeking attention as my parents don't really understand me and I feel open towards him and nothing is really a secret with him. Life is just hard to understand.

"Pff, please you can't get even more emotional I was just gone for a small while and your whole life is falling apart can you be more dramatic?"

" What he hell happened with your suit? That thing was a damn rental till your suit is ready.. Can't you be anymore irresponsible? Why am I so sore? I don't usually get hurt like this."

"Don't worry about it it is just a scratch besides you won't understand it either.. I had some Vampire that crapped in his panties over some territory and then I had a wonderful meal with his female.. and yeah things gotten rough.. "

" Spare me the details, let's just get out of here if you'd grace us with your calmness."

"Sure, I guess this stupid plan actually is starting to work I guess this makes me even more intrigued to get out there. Could I have some fun atleast before we go? That one gaurd was getting on my nerves anyways."

" You done enough we have to get back and regroup tomorrow is another day and I probably would get arrested again later then you can do whatever right now I want to get a shower and away from this place and pretend nothing happend okay? "

To be continued...

© The cube said it