

My Mother
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

There was a kid named Vansh. He was a very naughty child when he was young and He used to run errands with his friends everyday. He had plenty of friends who were engaged in bad acts such as drinking, smoking and other things. He was a playful person but he wasn't into such intoxicating acts. His friends used to courage him to do the same but He thought of his mother and didn't do anything wrong. He knew his mother was a hard working lady and the most lovely person he had ever met.

One day, He was going to his school but his homework was incomplete and he forget that certain notebook at home. exceptionally their family was not rich and had to work their skin off whole day in order to earn one time of food. She was educated well enough to help her child in his homework and all but she was a lil old then and couldn't work alot . She used to wear a saree, that was a bit faded and not exactly presentable to the world and his father was not in this world anymore, they lost him a long ago when he was just a kid.

He reached to his school and suddenly his headmaster came and started to check everyone's homework meanwhile he was getting anxious about what'll happen next. His mother simultaneously arrived with his homework and a tiffin. She was educated as I said so she completed his homework that he won't be scolded in his school in front of his whole class.

She gave him both and fortunately. The headmaster let him go because his homework was done and all.
Vansh was happy to have his mother who cares alot about him even more than herself. When lunch period came and He listened his friends talking about his mother like, Vansh is mama's boy and He always hide behind his mother for everything and many things he couldn't resist. after the end of the school session. he ran to his home in extreme anger and scolded his mother saying ' Why did you help me, can't you focus on your life and leave me on mine? please leave me alone, I can handle my life myself !! ' .

She felt upset about what happened but she knew he loves him but his classmates made him think that way. That night she cooked a nice meal for him but He didn't eat anything in that anger.

Next day, He woke up and saw a letter under his pillow saying, ' I am leaving to your aunt's home for a fortnight. Take care of yourself, I'll be back soon.
Your mom loves you ' .
He realized , She left at Night maybe . He opened his television and Suddenly a news channel opened , announcing about the news that a Train met to an accident and This train was going there and had number of passengers sitting and almost 90 percent of people died in that accident. simultaneously, He got a call saying , Is that your mother with your contact in her purse? cause she is dead in that accident happened today's morning.

He burst into tears and the thought of scolding his mother a night before about that stupid issue and everything was eating him out of his soul. He almost lost himself that day and realised, His mother was the purest and loveliest soul he had ever had in his life and he made a mistake that he couldn't thank her for everything she did for him.

After a week of agony , He got his mother's possessions from that accident and he noticed a letter in his mother's purse saying,

' You are the most beautiful child god gifted me with, I know it was not your mistake . I thought to take care of you even if It did bad for me. I only care about you . You can't imagine how much I love you and it's okay if you did scold on me , I understand you more than you know yourself and I already forgave you for everything you did so just be happy and take care of yourself, I forget to put letter beside you with that letter tonight in hurry to leave but Your aunt is not well tho so I am leaving but I will be back and take care of yourself my boy. I love you ' .

He read that letter and He smiled a lil but his eyes were filled with pearly tears. A man asked him what happened suddenly why is he crying and smiling at same time. He said I realized something today.
He asked what in suspicion.
He said , ' You'll realize a person's worth after they are gone . I really love my mother but now I lost her yet I'll do what she wanted me to and I wish she is happy in paradise . I'll make you proud my mom '.

That man cried along with vansh. he said, You are the sweetest child. May God bless you my son. Meanwhile his eyes flew the last tear and smiled so real saying, I love you mom, I'll always love you more than anything......

The only person's whose worth we realise after they are gone are our parents. there is no one worth more than our parents. They sacrificed everything just to give us a perfect life and They loved us unconditionally and they'll forever love us in spite of our flaws and imperfections.

So, Veiwers love your parents alot and everyday make them realise you love them not only on mother's Day and father's day. They will appreciate your even the most small act of kindness and love. They are your true friends and support system more than your girlfriend, Your Best Friend, boyfriend Or anyone.

They are your top priority over anyone....

© Straighttoheaven