

the NUMBERS phynomenon!!
we used to attach our life with numbers and considering them as smth really sacred taking them for an extreme consideration. unfortunately , we were born with the idea that success is linked to a specifics age. for instance , our societies believe that we can never succeed and make our goals real at such ages .they think that whenever our goals are , must be acheieved in twenties ortherwise we re seen as losers! whether the goal is getting married or getting a job .
moreover, we should be always grateful for having such healthy , sound mind and body regardless on how much we weigh on the scale! those numbers on the scales mean nothing .neither ugly nor fat .
in addition , we need to seek to put in efforts in ohr jobs not merely to get paid , but also to enjoy our IKIGAI .
never let anyone belittle your job based on how much money you make
be proud of yourself dear.
getting older, is an obvious process for human being life .it is something inevitable that deserve no fear or frustration .we should live our life fully whether being older or young.
we can be young in our minds forever if we want so , cuz the body is merly a house of our soul and mind
love yourselves my dear readers a d never get crazy with numbers
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