

Adroit 3 - A Fantastic Art
This is the 3rd part please read the 1st and 2nd Part:

Eliza starts her painting with a new spirit. Her Surrounding was perfect to make a beautiful Painting. She stood at that place until she completes it.
"Eliza, come have some to eat." called her Dad.
"No, Wait! Let me do it first." said Eliza.
"As you wish I don't want to disturb you." said her Dad.
After she made it, she was very satisfied. The feeling of success or something miracle has happened. She made more painting than earlier . This time she was very firm. Next Day, Eliza and her dad went to the Exhibition.
"Good Morning, Mrs.Halls " greet his Dad.
"Hello! Are you Eliza's Dad?" asked Mrs.Halls.
"Yes, Eliza is here to present her new painting. "
"Wow! Where it is it? Show me."
Eliza takes the painting out and present it in front of Mrs.Halls.
"Brilliant! What a painting. A painting like never seen at this age."
said Mrs.Halls.
"Thank You ! Ma'am." said Eliza.
"You are selected, from now I will be your mentor. I will guide much further and will make an Amazing Artist." said Mrs.Halls.
"Thank You ! Ma'am, I'm really thanked you. " said Eliza's dad.
"Ma'am, I am so lucky I have got such a great guide."
"No, This is all your effort and Now hurry up the Exhibition is starting now." said Mrs.Halls.
In the Exhibition, the judges decided to give the prize to Eliza. They liked the painting, it was a defining and fantastic painting. She also being a part of the art institution.
Her dreams comes true now.
"Dad! Thank You again! I love you." said Eliza.
"Don't weep! Celebrate the moment. I will always be with you." said her dad.
She forward her journey with Hardwork and one day she proves proved herself. She is now a prominent artist. She has everything.......