

Hi all this is not a story. it's what I feel and what I wanted to say.


You asked, why I said yes and what's the reason behind those words and Do you really mean it?.

Yes I know, it's complicated, yes way more complicated than anything.

The answer is very simple. My messed up life.

Yes, my life is messed up and so I'm a mess.

Through all these rough times, what I wanted is a peace of mind. I want to take a break from everything and everyone. I have to make some time to cool down what's going on in my head and heart.

These rough times in my life can only be cured by people who can understand me. As an overthinker and a person who is bad at communicating, what I need now is a person who is good at communicating, like, who is good at soul communication.

And, damn yes, I felt that connection with you and I loved that very lot. You are straightforward, you are who you really is, you care about everything (yeah everything little things), and most importantly, you can understand me well.

And do you know one thing, all these personalities of yours made me fall in Love with you.

But I don't want to. Do you know why???....

I will die from guilty.

Do you know why??

Because I'm taken by someone else.

And yeah, he, who don't have the personality that I felt with you.

I really don't want to hurt you.

I really don't want to use you for my pain, that I wanted to hide.

But, somehow, you are a perfect one who can accept my imperfections. And that hit me, still, why, I need you to repair, sorry, No, not to repair me, it is to help me through my rough patches through the open minded talks.


Thanks a lot for reading....

I just only wanted to say onething.

Don't love someone if you don't know how to handle you.
maybe it will help you or else it will destroy you completely.
