

#covid-19 #virus #science #truth #stories #vaccine #comment #thoughts

the Corona virus vaccine is being produced, even though the corona virus is a mild flu it has been told by the news and politicians, government and other people with hidden agendas that it has caused a pandemic when actually there is no pandemic because nobody know anyone with this 'virus.'

The covid 19 vaccine is a totally new vaccine. it's an experiment on the human race, there are technologies that will be introduced in the vaccine that change how we live. there are some people that are trying to push transhumanism on the human race. people like Elon musk and Ray kurzweil. they believe that we should change from human 1.0 to human 2.0 and be hooked up to artificial intelligence. this is the next step in evolution. being part of the internet. technology is advancing rapidly. and soon we will BE technology. moderna is playing a big part in the production of the covid-19 vaccine, Derek Rossi who is the founder of moderna is a researcher that can successfully reprogram a human stem cell by using modified RNA, so it becomes genetically modified. that's what people like Monsanto have been doing to our food in the past 30 years; genetically modifying it, doing this caused cancer in a lot of people and other alarming health problems. they are a new company (moderna) and have never previously made a vaccine. a normal vaccine needs to go through 3 preliminary stages to be fully tested. this takes about 5 to 6 years. this covid-19 vaccine has jumped from the first stage to the third in 6 months!. that's not long enough for a vaccine to be tested. it's being rushed. studies show that the covid-19 vaccine has several side effects including malfunction of the immune system when the virus is present in the body, liver problems and causes pain. the genomes of your body will be altered because when the body reads the RNA in the vaccine it will start producing more and more of it. everything in this vaccine has come from an unnatural source. the luciferase In in the vaccine will be detected using an app. this will be proof the vaccination was successful, you will then have a barcode and branding as proof of vaccination, so you become a product of the vaccine producer or whoever has the patent. there will be a reading that will be shown when scanned so that means these people will know what's going on IN your body! why should they take our freedom? we also will be connected up to artificial intelligence because the vaccine contains technological material. so they could know what we are thinking and feeling and what our emotions are. there you have it.... the vaccine will know all about you and how you body is functioning, it's ok if you want to be known as a labrat that took the rushed vaccine and give up your freedom without putting up a fight. this will go down as the biggest hoax in history. covid-19 is obviously a way of scaring people in to taking this vaccine, nobody would take it if there was nothing to be scared of....

please check out my story, THERE IS NO PANDEMIC! and please give me feedback. we really need people to wake up and realise that these people who put us on lockdown and make us wear oxygen restricting masks and stop us seeing family and other stupid things we are being told to do, are not our friends and have hidden agendas.

check out my other content and thanks for reading!
love SnazzyJazzy ❤️