

Adventure the Great
The loud, hollow siren of the ship's horn jolted the sleepy, port town.
She emerged out of the swirling mist like a star making a grand entrance. Only she wasn't a star but a ship that had been missing for the past hundred years arriving at her homeland, the port that saw her being built one by one, all those heavy metal sheets weld and combined in one of the most beautiful shapes of the 80s. The escort tugs all focused on her entrance and berthing marvelously, leading her the way to the berth 12 that was already ready to receive her warmly.
All lines were cast and she safely berthed following the standard inspection of the the vessel and crew when free pratique was granted. All passengers started coming out of board and greeting the friends and relatives that were already at quayside for the warm reception. Hugs, kisses and a lot of smiles were noticed while passengers were going out of board of the Adventure the Great as the Captain was stood at the bridge office completing the berthing reports and Chief Mate was ensuring all conditions for the embark of all new passengers with the crew.
Meanwhile agents and shipschandling compony were arranging the cleaning of the vessel, water and food supply and preparing for the embark as the Adventure the Great would not take more than 48 hours at her home port. She was by the universe declared to die far from home. She was already getting ready to sail after decades out of home.
All passengers that were onboard and native crews were authorized to visit the town and relatives in a buses provided by the port management company. They had the chance go through the main avenues, buildings, shops and cost landscaping of the town before return to the port and board the vessel that was already clean and fully supplied for the next "Great Adventure" of her life trip. All passengers and crew boarded the ship and were as per standard procedures inspected and accommodated themselves. New passengers that would board the ship for the first time were already at port embarking room and one by one following the inspection standard procedures boarded the ship as she loudly hollow siren saying goodbye. After all passengers were accommodated, the crews all in their positions, she was now ready for the one considered her last life trip to the world out.
The tugs ready, the Captain, Chief Mate and crews all positioned, shouts of bye-bye were heard simultaneously from to the shore vice-versa, gangway was going up, lines were being cast up and she was slowly leaving the quayside turning to sail. With all 4 tugs turning her to the sailing position, the last horn was heard and there she was saying the last goodbye to her homeland and slowly disappeared in the sea from the eyes of everyone at port.
The Adventure the Great sailed for 15 more years and retire while her engine was still running. It is believed that her centenary anniversary at her homeland was a blessing for the next 15 years of sailing. The captain and all crews went for long months of holidays before receiving their new ship. Adventure the Great is in the memories not only of the people that had physical contact with her but people that heard her sailing stories and got amazed. She had more than 10 Captains and one of them spend almost his entire life starting as simple crew and upgrading up to Captain and knows almost half of her life story which he passed on to the following generations as you can read today.
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