

Cold Nights
The air was freezing. All i could see for miles was pure ice. With all i was thing all i could do to get away from it all was to skate. My mom as alway did not even notice a thing as i left that morning i left to come here. My dad...who knows where he was. As for me i was right here. A place where nobody could find me or would even want to search. Ice and snow the place that would freeze you cold as ice let your heart sink away to breathe in the fresh surroundings.....all but one person would know where i was but he didnt care anymore. He did not think of the last think we had said in person the words that would freeze my thoughts in moment just to think of him. The person who was the one i decribed as the best. But maybe the best just isnt good enough. Not good enough that i had thought.As the air filled my skates on i couldnt hold it back anymore. I couldnt talk. All i wamted to do was scream. Scream for all the stress to just disappear. For all the worried and dout to go away. As i skate i remember back then before when i did know where my father was at. The day my mom actually did care about me. We skated. We had fun and laughed the entire time. Their was no crying no arguing not a since scream from either one of them. No slaming doors not even one door slam. However as far i could think about the past the bad stuff aleays seem to find me. But not now. Not here. This place was mine. Mine where i could just skate. That i would skate the day and contiune until the afternoon.
© Alexiehooper