

Embracing the Beauty of Humble Sleep
My aunt has a unique habit of sleeping on the floor, spreading a bed sheet on a simple mat. Intrigued by her choice, one day I asked her, "Aunt, why do you prefer sleeping on the floor? Don't you have the means to buy a bed? As a successful officer, why not invest in a comfortable wooden bed and a cozy mattress?"
With a serene smile, my aunt gently replied, "I don't need a fancy bed or mattress to find comfort in sleep. For me, it's not about the material possessions; it's about the essence of rest itself. Sleeping on the ground brings me mental happiness and a sense of connection with Mother Earth. I find solace in the warmth of her chest, and it instills in me a feeling of confidence and safety. Therefore, I choose to sleep on the ground."
My aunt's response left a profound impact on me. Her simple yet profound perspective taught me the value of leading a modest life. She reminded me that even during sleep, Mother Earth cradles us in her support. The key to mental peace and genuine happiness lies not in opulence or extravagance but in cherishing the little things, like a peaceful slumber on the humble ground.
From that day forward, I've learned to appreciate the beauty of simplicity. My aunt's wisdom has shown me that true contentment resides in embracing the gifts of nature and finding joy in the most fundamental aspects of life. After all, it is not the grandeur of a bed, be it wooden or golden, that brings genuine happiness, but the inner peace that comes from a heart at ease with the world.