

When You Slowly Break: I'm Cracked
Dear whoever's is reading this,
Everyday my father yells
He criticizes and judges
Never a compliment or a well done
He isn't my father
The only thing he does like a father is work for the money
He never gave advice like dont trust everything you hear
Never gave me a hug just because he loved me
Never taught me how a man should treat me
He is like a judge from a court room
Only focuses on the bad not the good
I should respect him because I was expected to not because he respected me
A child knows nothing unlike a father who knows everything
I remember as a kid when I broke one of his many rules he'd lean me over the bed pull my shorts down to show my back end and hit me with a wooden spoon
Not only hitting one spot but hitting all over so your whole backside hurt not just one spot
And it was for somthing as small as yelling at him or talking back to him
I have been cracked since I could do things wrong
And I will continue to break til theres no peice of me left whole
From Unknown soul
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