

Red Wine
Red Wine*

She was an effervesce of creation, beauty and brains at its finest. She was made when creation was at its peak. When the creators were still optimistic about creating. The rest of us, well, I think we were just the extras.
~Mike's Diary.

Chapter 1

"So, you're trying to tell me that the witches from the 8th circle of hell were here?" I asked her as I carefully stepped past the Old, probably rotten, bones that lay exactly where my feet wanted to be. "I'm not trying, I'm telling you." She replied confidently. I must say, I was a sucker for a good adventure but this wasn't expected. Anything but toying with hell's remnants would have been okay with me. But here I was, toying with hell's remnants. I know what you're thinking. It was probably her idea to do this but you must understand, I was the one who dared her curiosity. I pocked her ego to get us alone but her idea of being "just the two of us" and mine were different.

When I asked her to get stranded with me I meant at the top of some table mountain making love to the clouds not this. Right now we were in the middle of Nowhere. I know it sounds funny but where I am from, nowhere is a place that only Noone is allowed to go. And here I was, a...