

Perception of the Outcast... Chapter 1
Candlelight in the room moving from the wind due to an open window. The adherent blood dripping from 10-year-old Mía's hand, now cold and sticky as the gal holds her caretaker's lifeless body from the ground. The room is silent as the ticking clocks mock her saying "oh what little time you have, better start running before it's too late,". The sun's golden rays soon disappear, greeting the night. Having heard the curious people of the village turning around the corner, she laid there on the ground by the deceased body. Her heart racing, not knowing what to do, she's suddenly up and running. Hoping they wouldn't notice, the girl heads towards the poisoning woods.

 That was four years ago, but it still haunts her to this day. All her dreams were shattered, she could never find a place in the world because she wasn't supposed to be in it in the first place. Shaking the bad memories out of her head, Mia starts walking around the vast meadow. Oh, how she wishes she had an angel to call her own, to come save her from the battle going on inside her mind. Mia clenches her fist, but she knows she could never forget the pain and grief she had experienced. The young lady has nowhere to turn, she's all alone. Lightning crackles as she looks at her hands. She then looks up to the sky, water falling from her eyes down the walls of her face. 'I need an angel to come and save me from myself' she thought without a doubt. 

 "I don't know if anyone can hear me," Ms.Vulgar begins. She raises her hands up to the sky as if inviting an angel to swoop in from above and lead her away from the darkness. She then starts spinning in circles, dancing. "I been looking for an angel," Mia utters through the distance. "To come save me from this hell," she swings her arms wide open. "To come and save me from myself," she makes her hands into fists and wraps her arms around her in an x formation. "Been looking for an angel, an angel... To kill the aching in my heart," she puts a fist to where she thinks her heart may be. "Don't leave me lost here in the dark," she then throws herself. Her knees plant on the ground and her head hangs low.

Her mind flashes back to those painful memories. Little Mia was only 5 years old walking down the city streets, it was thundering. She had no family, no friends and was starving like crazy. The small girl hid in an alleyway under a piece of cardboard. Looking around she saw scattered trash and decided to make a pile to start a fire, eating the remaining scraps. The rain stopped, but the streets were still flooded. The poor baby girl felt nothing, she was empty inside. Mia looked down at the fire, motioning closer and closer towards it. "I just wanna feel alive," she told herself inching her hand towards the flames, but the water got to it first. The fire had died, and she was bothered. All she wanted to do was light up and burn the sky, was that so hard to ask for? Mia had head out from under the cardboard when the flood settled down. She started wandering around aimlessly needing another fire to keep her warm through the night. She walked from the ocean to the stars but finally found a little town a couple of months later. Mini Mia started living in the streets stealing bread from the baker and milk from a cow. She has done this for about a year and the town people still hadn't known about her existence. 

 Said child was starting to run low on milk one day, so she went to the barn she'd been sneaking in for months. She couldn't find the cow she has been milking from, so she decided to take her chances with the goat. As Mia was about to refill, the goat went on a rampage and started kicking from every angle, knocking little Mia off her feet. She was angered, how dare this goat! As she was about to put the animal in its place, the person running the barn came in and noticed her. "HEY! Leave my goat alone you ROACH!" the guy yelled chasing her out of his barn. Mia had ran as fast as her little legs could foster. She then seen a tree and hid behind it and started crying. Little Mia was saddened and angered by that man. 'How dare he call me a cockroach!' her thoughts grew dark while balling her hands into fists. It started to rain and thunder, white flashes of light started coming from the distance. She moved from the tree she was under, lightning struck it soon after. She tried running away but all the townspeople came out of their huts to see what was going on. What they, saw was a surprise, to say the least.

The people went into a slight panic, how could a little girl make all this destruction? What did we do to deserve all of this? A person from the crowd picked up a stone, "Leave us you BEAST!" he spat. As the frightened man was about to throw the stone, the mayor comes out of the crowd. He was around 50 years old, mild grey hair, with a monopoly man type mustache, smoking a cigar. "Halt," he raises a hand. "You do not touch this girl, nor throw your stones. She's as frightened as all of you," he apprised. He looks down at Mia and extends his arm to help her up. "Th-thank you..." timidly the kid stands to her feet. That night the mayor with the help of his secretary had put on a feast, the whole town was invited. In honor of their new arrival, Mia Vulgar.

 Mia tries getting out of her daze, but as she slowly attempts to open her eyes back to the present. She quickly shuts them, horrible images from her past start flooding her memories. She's in a cold damp room, covered in gasoline. She's crying and screaming for help. No one hears her no one knows where she is. She hears a voice from the distance. "Knock it off!!" Mia starts screaming, getting out of her daze she starts crying. Only God himself knows where this girl has been, she's all alone, damaged.

"I don't know if anyone can hear me!" she yells at the top of her lungs, as she starts to cry to herself. It starts to thunder even louder, she goes back into a daze. She's back at that harsh night. As she's wandering through the woods, she's needing a fire to give her light through the night. She hears the nightly noises of a stream sounding as though from the ocean. It could be heard all the way to the stars. As her nostalgia kicks in, she smells cigarettes and gasoline. This takes her further back into her memories... She was only eight years old and her parents had burnt down their own home. She doesn't think any further. "Only God knows where I've been," she looks up to the sky. "I don't know if anyone can hear me..." she begins to run up a hill, as the sky somewhat clears up.

"I've been looking for an angel, angel!!" she shouts as the words echo from the top of the hills. "Been looking for an angel, angel!" the same thing happens again. She lowers her voice just a tad this time, "To come save me from this hell. To come save me from myself," she looks up to the sky, only to be greeted by rain. She sighs to herself, I've been looking for some sort of spiritual being all this time. Been looking around, but there seems to be no such thing out there for me, to kill the aching in my heart. "Please," she says in desperation. "Don't leave me lost here in the dark," she sprints off the hill. 

Now, on the flat surface, she falls to her knees. Cupping her hands into a fist, she starts hitting the ground. "Won't you tell me where you are? Won't you tell me where you are??" she pleads repeatedly. "Don't leave me waiting for too long," she sits up on her legs, hands on her face. "Come on... Won't you tell me where you are? Just tell me..." she tries to wipe the tears from her face, but to no avail. "Don't leave me waiting for too long...." the storm had come to a halt.

She had finally been able to calm herself down. "Been looking for an angel, To come save me from this hell..." she then closes her eyes. As the clouds in the sky are hovering over her, she falls into a deep sleep.
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