

goodbye world
I can't put this burdon on you I can't see you cry or see the suffering u have for me in your eyes I'm always going to be a druggy or a pot head listen my step dad offered for me to go to recovery you know what I said I told him no because i dont want to recover i dont even want to be on this world rn. I can't handle this pain anymore don't get me wrong I love you and that love for you is unconditional and I want you to be my husband but I can't do this to you your a good man that doesn't deserve someone like me this is my goodbye I will always be by your side. if you need help dont hesitate to call me or text me you will always be my soulmate. I just think I'm not ready. its only been like a month since I left my ex he done me so wrong basically took my check and didn't give a damn about my needs or anything. this is my goodbye to the world I don't belong here anymore. just always know I will be watching you either from hell or from up above I love you and this is my goodbye to the world.
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