

Being Sita...
When I was kidnapped by demon king Ravana, not just me but Ram too was equally broken!
He searched me day and night, took help from everyone in the forest and geard up to fight,
Against the demon who had stolen his beloved wife, with all his might!
Good prevailed over the evil and my Ram bought me back after a wait of so many torturous year. We became King and Queen of our kingdom Aayodhya,
Our subjects doubted me dignity, and blamed Ram for loving, trusting and standing by me!
So to keep our love untainted, I had to leave him and go alone to the forest again!
Modern people often question Ram's love for me, alleging that he enjoyed a luxurious life giving his pregnant wife exile!
While I know it was more difficult for him than me, to send away his piece of heart, his soul only to satisfy the doubts of his subjects!
We both suffered the pain of separation for years,
.....And when finally our kids United us, I decided not to be the queen of selfish subjects..
So I choose to go back in the lap of mother earth!
....Being Sita Is Not Easy But Remember Being Ram Is Also Equally Difficult.....!!

© sweksha_sachan.