

My experiments and experiences in real world chapter 1(The begining)
I've decided to take a break from social media as it was consuming a significant portion of my energy in a negative way. In my long-distance relationship, I found myself constantly chasing him. Thanks to my connection with spirituality, I was able to view myself from a third-person perspective. The constant game of updating statuses and stories was bothering me immensely. We were both playing this game—he would post stories that I would ignore, and vice versa. It became all-consuming.

Underlying this behavior were my self-created insecurities, fears that after migrating to a new country, he would forget me. To address this, I decided to be less active on social media, our only connection point in a long-distance relationship. However, I wasn't sure what type of break I needed. Was it enough to stop posting statuses, stories, or posts? Or should I avoid opening social media apps entirely?

I knew that my six hours of teaching would go smoothly without my phone, but my concern was how to manage my time at home. I'll explore life without social media and see what I discover along the way.
#selfcare #lifelesson #socialmedia
© Haniya kaur