

The town I always dream about
There was a town that stained her dreams gold by thrashing it. A loud monotonous tone woke her pounding head into consciousness. The alarm soothed horrors of previous night. The very clock that screamed now sang the melody of time “ 6 o’clock, 21 March; Weather: 37 degree Celsius, Lost trees in last 24 hours: 73.”
Nila didn’t ’t mind the exhausting warmth of the sunlight. After a long minute she extended her hands towards the clock. The wind chimes framing the window danced. She locked the door as she ploughed the handbag to double check if everything was present. It was also to ignore the dull buildings that swallowed the sky.
The harsh rays of sun needled into her skin. She paced towards sidewalk to avoid the speeding car. The pounding grew denser the unsynchronised horns of city streets. The growing greenery of the nature fluttered her heart even after working for three years as a nature ranger. The job has its own perks of gazing at the nature and taking care of the flora that caged by the fences of the priceless buildings with the view of the greenery one could kill for. As city outskirts embraced her with cool breeze as entered the huge yellow gates that read’ Nature Preservation centre- 14.’
She followed the Forest Trail ignoring the van that stood on the other side. The forest embraced her with a cold breeze. She gazed frantically at every green leaves and tall branches that led the way. She wanted to remember this memory when she felt like she wanted to punch her boss. Him being a hypocrite bully doesn’t help either.She didn’t want to waste another second of this Small treasure of life by thinking about the hypocrite bully.
The stillness of the trees warmed a cold fingers.The uneasiness seemed to be overshadowed by kindness of the sunshine. As the banyan trees rustled, her grandfather’s faint voice echoed” If God exist, she would rather take the form of a tree than a human.As The tree is an corrupted by the selfishness of the human race. Nila, The more you spend time with these trees, the compassion will fill your heart.To think of it her grandfather was always cheesy when it came to the nature always said something that goes like every thing I say would sound cheesy because of these wrinkles.” And she would fall for the trap every time by asking white dot to which she would reply “ Maybe because it makes me cute or could be because its easy to find obvious truth cheesy.”
She wanted to hear is faint voice is repeating the same words that she remembers by heart now.but he never Tried to impose its values upon her. He repeated just because you didn’t want to forget the most important things as his time slowly swallowed his memories. So mostly he would talk about grandma and how she was the love of his life and that she visited him often in his dreams. I still remember his words quotation mark off and I would dream about the days I had with her even though I doubt if it was really was a real moment I had with her or just my mind filling up the gaps of my deteriorating memory. It is hard to tell when the trust I have on my brains lessons every morning.”
The waves washed upon their feet as he repeated his undying love for his lost wife. She could remember him repeating his love to the sea so it could reach grandma. Maybe he was right as his words still resonated with each breeze. She moved towards the side of the train and closed her eyes to remember her grandfather’s face, but the dreams always seem to take away his smiling face as price for his voice melted with the ocean weaves and warm evening breeze. All she could remember of him was his sad eyes searching for, as his senses faded away. “ No one could shower her with love like her grandfather did.” She thought. To have never seen his parents face, she would rather choose to again have a minute with her grandpa over knowing the names of the people that abandoned her.
She thought quotation mark I want Tata to know that I am well and happy now.”
The trail led to the big glass building would in the middle of the forest.The whole day seemed long enough to wait for the dreams where the cold breeze were weaved with her sunshine laced window. The dreams felt more of a home than this world at that moment.
“ When will I wake up from this living hell? And not miss the town and days behind me? I don’t think so.” She thought.
The music of the town that echoed with the forest rustle told otherwise.
© Swaathy