

Running from something--  the fear of the unknown, as I pray -- It hunts-- I run , every step taken -- it doubles in stride, I can't fall behind-- to what's blinded by my eye-- the fear of nothing, appears to be something, As I run, it's footsteps-- thumping, my heart's pumping-- running from something, I just don't know. I become tired, my feet on fire- my pace slows, my breath -- taken, my legs-- aching, my steps-- weighing- surely fading, heavy they are- as if in snow. Running from something, in the end -- it caught me, unknown was fear, - the fear of something, the fear of the unknown.

Alas, he escapes his tormented mind. Pausing to catch his breath-- those thoughts, - his fears- fade away... This was just one of many nights, of running. -As mind, In mind.

Nights seem endlessly filled with such terrors of being chased,- by the unknown. Until he realizes, all he has to do is wake up. Body just as battered as his mind,- self sabotaged. Exhaust leaves him, his body lays in rest -exhausted. Unknown to the fears he's yet faced, he continues to run. Eventually it'll catch up to him, when he grows tired-- tired of running.

artwork: artist unknown

© Phoenix