

baby, you have not done anything wrong..
in the beginning it was different, because I was fresh, I wasn't doing this stupid stuff ,and I didnt feel dirty yet by doing this. and it's really hard to deal with sometimes, especially when I look at you and I know how bad it hurts you, and I don't know what to do cuz well you knew I was gonna do this before you know I got out.. but we should have done been up from here..there's nothing that you do that makes me hate you, some things gets on my nerves.
I take a lot of things wrong when I know I shouldn't I think like negative.. I'm scared you're going to lose your love for me because of the lifestyle we're living.. a lot of things I do i don't even realize that it's disrespectful, cuz I'm so used to doing it, been doing it for years. I see all that love coming out of your eyes and I wonder how.. I have a lot of anger build up in me from being hurt and I'm so scared I'm going to be hurt again and it's like I got to get you before you get me type mentality and I'm trying to break it..you are on top of my world, you are everything. and a lot of times im shy, people say how can you be shy and do what you do? I get shy and I feel like I'm not doing nothing right. my mind will just makes me feel like I'm not attractive or you don't want to touch me or I was such a bitch that you just don't want to touch me..thats my mind contiounsly..right now like I don't know, I have a very low self-esteem and I'm trying to work on that. u came into a point in my life when I was trying to get over a person that i should have never loved in the first place, and youve stood right there. I want you to know i love you, and you haven't done anything wrong.. you've done more for me than most people in my life has..I'm going through a lot to do with my kids, when when I heard my daughter say she didn't want to ever talk to me again it's tore out a chunk of my soul for real, and I'm dealing with a lot of shit right now in my brain and I don't know what to do..but please know that I love you..and don't go nowhere please.. I want to be with you, just you,not doing this.. just hang on until that time comes.. I love you ..
your queen,
© kristy ellison flake