

Don't be a Nationalist who compromise their senses.
On the 16th of May that is on the way, it will mark as my 14 years of support to the England cricket team and back then during my childhood days my cousins used to say. When you live in India, support India. I have never did it, because England as a country is not something so crucial to me, but their cricket team and especially "I do love test cricket and there should be no place for being a Nationalist in Sport. Although, I adore and stand before the fact that" What Britishers have done, but your emotions shouldn't be about, or they shouldn't characterize someone as a worshipper or a Bhakat in the famous wording that we are fond of using in the subcontinent, yes. Global affairs are something of a magnificent turmoil upon our own very senses and I am saying it because" The thing I am highlighting they are not tensions that are going around in the surroundings because some, they only want headlines and those who really are experiencing great torment. They find their voice through social media that actually is a trolling engine for uncountable people. Rishi Sunek is only someone who is on a chess board but, he is in the use of someone else. I have nothing to do with these so-called world leaders who could roll from one corner to the other wherever they see the benefit is coming from. Openness where you could identify the values that's why. We should keep Nationalism away from sport or from the meaning of our life. Don't go behind cooked-up logic. If you could inspire than inspire.