

SOLD!!! ch 8
I woke up with a hazy vision and confused mind, sitting up and looking around I realized I was back in the penthouse on the sofa.

Xander sat there staring at me in the sofa to all my rights.

"What made you think you would run away?" He said in his usual tone.

"The fact that you left the controller behind."

"And it didn't occur to you why I would carelessly leave it behind?"

"Maybe you just forgot." I looked down and then noticed the bandages on my feet. Did he call the doctor or the nurse for me.

The bell rang.

"I did warn you, didn't I." He said and stood up. "You have just stayed here for a day and you've started misbehaving." My gaze followed him as he went to open up the door, letting in two men who brought in a large cage.

The cage was too big for any pet. I gulped and looked at Xander as he paid the two men off and looked back at the cage. It was a perfect size for a person. Xander went back on the sofa.

"Well then do you have anything to say in your defense." He said.

"Who would love to live as a slave? You're not even a human, you are just some beast without feelings, the heck you don't even have food in your home. You shocked me twice within 24 hours!!! And now you want to cage me?!!! Why wouldn't I run away!!!?" I said everything directly and huffed after I finished.

Xander glanced at the cage. "The cage is not for you." I looked at him suspiciously. "It's for kid."

"Excuse me?" A kid. What kid? You want to cage a kid.

I was still processing his words when the main door banged opened, a tall lady with black hair and eyes, wearing a formal dress stepped in.

She looked at Xander then at me, then she simply moved to the size and a little girl came from behind her.

She banged the door shut as she left and the little girl kept staring at me as Xander crouched down on one knee.

"Uncle, who is she?" She pointed at me.

"She's my slave."

Oh My God!! Did he just tell that to a young child!?

"What's a slave?" She asked.

"You don't have to know that. Mary go play now." He said and Mary went to open the main door and brought out a dog. I was utterly confused, was the dog there all along.

"You!" Xander look at me with his usual cold eyes. "I will deal with you when Mary leaves." He said and walked over to Mary, handed her his credit card and left.

"Hey slave!" Mary called me and I look at her. "Let's play!!" I sighed and walked to her.

Of course I had to play with her, even though I whole heartedly disliked kids, but after playing with her for a while I realized that I was having fun too...

© 🦋✨njavwani✨🦋