

"Far away but close"

"I have a friend and we're far from each other. We only know because of online apps, but even so we consider we're close friends. Even if we're far from we are still there to support each other in every trial of life. Gives advices, cheers up when sad, talks about life's antics. Telling the story about each others life. The feeling that you thought you were just side by side talking even though the truth is that you both are very far away from each other.

It feels so good when you have a friend online that consider you as a part of their families and friends. Feels better when you are in the middle of difficulties in life if there's someone beside you to cheer you up even though they far away from you."
this poem I dedicated to them...

Even if "you may be ocean's away but feels so close"

because even when you are far away you are always there feels like so close

and telling your condition and happenings in your life

Even if "you may be ocean's away but feels so close"

reminding each other routine it's like we both taking care

it's like we are one because our feelings are the same

© Kyier mc