

The Room at The End of The Hall
“Greg, hurry up and help me load the rest of these boxes into the house.” Anna called to her husband.
Anna could already see the eye roll going on in her husband’s head as he continued his conversation with one of the movers about who even knows what.
“Coming dear!” yelled Greg
Greg had just recently inherited a house from his grandparents, the very house in which him and Anna were moving into. Greg had always admired his grandparents’ house. It was a beautiful two story house on the countryside, it had plenty of yard for his two dogs, Rocky and Bullwink. They were named after his wife’s favorite cartoon. The whole house was full of memories made and to be made all except for one room. The first thing you see when the front door opens. Greg’s grandfather had always warned him, never to go into the room at the end of the hall. Now, Greg has the keys. Now, his grandfather has no control.
After thanking the movers and making sure they’d been paid, the young couple turned to face the empty two story house. That evening they had sandwiches for dinner, moved some boxes around, and went straight to bed. Greg woke around two thirty in the morning after hearing a series of weird thuds echoing through the house. He got up very quietly and went only to find that Rocky had found the box of dog treats. Greg sighed and hid the treats out of Rocky’s reach and headed back up the stairs back to bed.
A week had passed and all was going as planned. Only one thing left that Greg wanted to check, the room at the back of the first floor hall. The one room his grandfather never wanted him to go into. Around a month after Greg and Anna moved in, Greg finally was ready to open the door.
“Anna, dear, do you know where my keys are?… I’m going to check out that last room today.” Greg shouted from the doorway of the house.
He had only just come home from visiting his grandmother. She had recently been diagnosed with a disease that left her paralyzed in her left leg.
“I do believe you left them on the counter in the kitchen…” Anna yelled back.
“Found them, thanks.” Called Greg
He hurriedly put everything away and went to unlock the door. Everything was normal when he first opened it. It was a simple room, the only thing to fill it was a desk with a drawer and a lamp on it, there was a blanket rack in the corner, and a shaggy rug covering the hardwood floor. When Greg took a step in the floor creaked and all other noise and feeling was cancelled from his body. Static, the only sound he heard and the only feeling he felt. There was muffled noise in the background but he’d become so enveloped in the static that nothing from the outside world could touch him. The muffle got louder and louder until finally he felt something shoving past him and it was like he’d snapped out of a trance to find his wife, Anna, yelling at him about the fact that she’d been trying to speak to him for the last five minutes.
Soon Christmas rolled around, then Easter. It had almost been a year since moving in and not a single odd or bad thing had happened since the afternoon in the room at the end of the hall. At the very start of June, Rocky, was admitted to see the vet due to a seizure he had that caused him to fall down the stairs. He came home and went on to have two more throughout the rest of the week, the last one causing his death. He was buried in the backyard by an old tree. If one was to look out the window of the room at the end of the hall, then they would have a perfect view. October came and on Halloween night Anna and Greg finally saw a light that had been mostly missing from Bullwink’s eyes since Rocky passed.
Toward the end of November Greg went to enter the room at the end of the hall. Anna heard the door shut behind him and didn’t see him for the rest of the day. When dinner time rolled around and Anna went to get Greg, he was no longer there. She checked everywhere, even outside. She tried to call his phone, but it went straight to voicemail.
It was almost ten o’clock at night when she finally decided she needed to call the police. When they came and she told them everything and the last place she saw him, the police searched through the house and came back asking what she meant by, “Room at the end of the hall.” She went to show them all but the police kept telling her there was no room. She refused to believe them and insisted that they keep searching for her husband.
Greg remained lost and Anna slowly went insane. She insists that the police were lying because they did not find her husband important enough.
“There is something going on in this town.” She continued to believe for her entire life. Until her end, Anna ranted to anyone and everyone about her secret room, the one that nobody could find.
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