

Madly in love 🫀
✨warning - this story has kissing, abuse, heartbreak and violence✨

chapter 2
can we talk?

you guys woke up in the morning and luckily you didn't have to go to school because there was a Storm so Alyssa had to stay at your place because there was still heavy rain remember your Jaiden.

"I don't have any clothes to shower." ←Alyssa
"Jaiden's mom : don't worry honey I have old clothes that can probably fit you" they found shorts and Jaiden hoodies from earlier. "thanks " ← Alyssa"no prob"←Jaiden's mom
"Alyssa : are you going to teach me how to play this or what?" You replied with "sure why not?"
you guys talk for a little and you really love her. After the rain slowed down you guys decided to go for a walk and stop at a cafe .

"Alyssa: hi can I get a matcha latte " "What do you want?" Alyssa whisper in your ear. It tickles but you replied "I'll have the same thing as you" " so make it 2 matcha lattes please"←Alyssa . You guys sit down and wait for your order . You got your orders and walked out cafe you guys were walking for a bit until you reach a alley a man grabbed Alyssa an yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" and he hit Alyssa head until she was passed out . You took Alyssa to the hospital by carrying her in your arms gently . "will she be ok"Jaiden said worriedly
"she just has a concussion and needs rest".

you took her to your house and put your hoodie on her and blankets as you kissed her on her head softly
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