

She wanted to become a dentist or a doctor.
She started learning about destistry.
She took an exam in highschool to stay in the Science department.
She wrote the exam and scored well in all subjects.
Unfortunately,her teachers told her that she couldn't stay in the science department, even though she had not cheated on the exam.
they transferred her to the art department.
she cried with all her heart.
At that time,she hated art and didn't see the value in it.
She said she would not stay in that department because her mind was set on the science department.

Until one-day,the owner of the school brought in a very intelligent teacher to teach literature in English to the art students.
The teacher was very encouraging and noticed that she wasn't paying attention in class.
He called her over and asked her what was wrong.
She told him everything.
He smiled and said that the art department was everything and to believe him.
But she didn't believe him.
She told her mom about it,and her mom said the same thing as her literature teacher.
She started paying attention and started to understand literature.
She became very intelligent in her class,and no one could take her down in literature.
that teacher encouraged her and became her backbone.
she's now a poet

© rukayya_alw