

Thankyou Sister
Two siblings were inseparable when they were young but were threatened to wreck their relationship by envy, money, and luxury when they grew up. Write a touching story about it.

Twins,born to always be there for each other throughout their life.Inseperable since birth and only had each other for comfort.Living in an orphanage was not everyone's choice but a cruel fate.
Bullying has always been more rampant in orphanages as childrens have been given more freedom than childrens living with their parents.Sarah and Anna were both victims of bullying but they comfort each other in living through all of it.They have lived in the orphanage named 'Goodwill' since birth,so the only people they knew were the chidrens and the warden.
The girls were identical but there was a mole on the right ear of Sarah which helped most people alot.They were beautiful since birth and some childrens hated them for that so the bullying started,but that stopped since the last inspection of the orphange.The warden was fired from her job, the kids who often bullied others were punished and moved to another orphanage.
The twins were admired by everyone since birth since they mostly are identical to each other and are good at studies(not like they have a genius mind).They have grown more closer as they grew,loved and cared for each other like no other but as they grew up their personalities changed.
Both have same attribute but the only difference is that Sarah is more kind and Anna is more selfish.Sarah is usually a sensitive person but Anna was not.

The Twins now are 24 years old,both beutiful like the heaven has carved them with utmost patience.The difference is Sarah was a married woman and Anna is still single.Sarah married her childhood sweetheart from the orphanage since she was 21.She couldn't survive on her own as she was a usually emotional and sensitive person.She quit school to go work and earned for Anna's education.Sarah is now happily married and living a peaceful and beautiful life with her husband named Noal Williams and a two year old daughter named Lisandra.He has two book shops which has been popular since he opened it.Sarah is now a housewife and has her own coffee shop which Noah gifted her and she helped her sister with the money she earned from it.
Sarah was very happy with her life but the only thing that she is upset about is how her sister Anna have been so estranged since the last year.She knew that Anna didn't like how happy she was since she have sense it from the time they were 18.

"I'm really worried that one day she will no longer contact me"she said
"It's okay,don't think too much she will not do that you've helped her soo much"he said to her
"But you don't know her that much we're twins and i sense something bad is going to happened"
"Maybe....but just trust her since you cared for each other and i remember you guys have never leave each other in bad times"
"I hope so...."Sarah frowns as she is thinking about it again and Noal finds it hard to bear to see his most beautiful lover in sadness.He wish he could just take all her troubles away.Sarah comes out of her thoughts when Noal starts to tickle her and she laughs out loud with Noal admiring his lover and wife.
The next day Anna called Sarah"Anna it's been a long time"she said with a happy smile on her face but her expression changed to horror when Anna said"I'm getting married"she was shocked"b-b-ut"Anna didn't let her finished and interuppted her"okay,i've told you about this so goodbye""hey..wait" 'click'the call was cut off and Sarah stood there frozen with the phone in her hand.Noal opened the door of the coffee shop and when he found her standing there with an expression he couldn't comprehend,he bacame worried.He went to her side and shook her which helped alot and when she find Noal infront of her she subconsciously said"Anna....."he was worried so he asked"Anna What?"since she's been talking about Anna from last night"Anna...she-she's getting married"
he was bewildered"when did she tell you and with whom" "I-I-I don't know"she said "What?"he frowns "She called just now and didn't tell me anything about the man or when is she getting married " "It's okay,call her again"she dial the number but it was out of reach or switched off and Sarah knew what it means.....Anna has blocked her number,tears starts glistening in her eyes her heart broke into a million pieces like someone has been piercing it with a blunt knife slowly and slowly but she didn't want to cry so she raised her head up to face the ceiling so the tears wouldn't fall.Noal knew that something bad happened seeing her like that but didn't rushed to ask about it,he just took her hand squeeze it a little bit to assure her that he was there for her and let her take a seat on a chair while he sits beside her.After half an hour later Sarah's emotions stabilize.She looked at him and said"Anna has blocked me"he was confused as he thought that Anna might have said something bad but he knew that she wouldn't be emotional if it was just a small thing and patiently waited for her to continue"I-I-I know Anna have hated me since we were kids"he was shocked to hear that since he has been with them from the time they were both babies and he was just 6 years oldat that time and had never seen anything odd between the two but he continued listening"She have always been jealous of me because she thought that in everything i do i will succeed but she was just too insecure about herself,she feels like i've stolen everything from her so she puts all the blame on me.I loved her so i gave up everything for her.I let her do everything she wants and gave her everything she liked but the only thing i couldn't gave up was you" "What?"he frowns"Yes,when we finally got married and she saw how i'm living comfortably."she took a long breath but tears still fell from her eyes silently and continued"S-S-She came to me and asked me to divorce you and that was the one thing she asked of me but i didn't want to gave you up"she couldn't take it anymore and sobbed,he squeezed her hand in assurance and to let her continue"I-I-l loved you so,how..how could she" he took her in his embrace and she sobbed harder"how could she...she knew i had given up everything for her and the only thing that i want was to be with you"he stroked her back.
"and she...she told me that she never ask for anything but how could i.....when- when she looks at me with resentment?when she blames me of not getting something?and you were my only wish for her not to interfere but she still did....i love her still but-but-but we've been estranged since then."she silently sobbed.
"how much have she endured such cruelty from her own sister and this shows how much maturity she had since she was a child" he thought.
He put his hands on her cheek and let her face him with her teary-eyes and said"It's okay,we're here, our daughter and me will always be with you,you don't need her now and she's gone too it's good that she broke off contact with you which only helped you.She can't burden or pester you again for anything.'She' wanted this not 'You' so stay strong someday she will understand your hardships"he look at her for eyes to see if she understandswhat he was saying and asking her to do when finally he got the assurance he hugged her back to his embrace again and started hearing her sobbed and whimpering,his heart ache to see and hear how much she have endured.
After a long time she fell asleep,he looked at her face and couldn't help but love her more.

Years passed by and they now have three chidrens.All were at the back of the house in the garden.The childrens were playing around and both of them were looking at the kids with loving eyes in each others embrace but the happy day ended when a letter came.
It's a letter to Sarah and the address that was send from was the funeral centre.She opened the letter and started reading soon her hand trembled.Noal was worried so he took the letter and he too felt uncomfortable.
It read:
Dear Mrs Williams,

We are sorry to inform you that Anna Johnson whom we guess to be your sister had passed away and would like you to come to the Funeral homewhich is at_____address to claim being a relative.

Yours sincerely,
The Funerals bureau.

Reading this made them uncomfortable since they have not talked about that name or person since the last 8 years.
"I have to go"she said
"wait.... but she has a husband right?"
"Maybe, I don't know too but i have to go" "okay,I'll go with you"
" but the kids" " I'll ask the grandma next door to help keep them watched okay?"

Soon they left for the journey by car and after about two hours they reached there and found something that both of them were in horror.
They both found out Anna had married a man who was rich and much more older than her.The questionable thing is that Anna was the mistress but soon the wife died and she became his wife.Anna's life then soon became very miserable as she was abused so much that she was left with bruises all over and was thin to the bones.The man then divorced her soon after 4 years.She was left with nothing and because she didn't have Sarah's number she started begging as all her documents were burned by the man.She lived for 4 years but died due to lack of nourishment and raped.The police only got a piece of paper in her clothes which help them to contact her and after knowing this both Sarah and Noal went to the police station.The police gave them the piece of paper whuch could be a letter to Sarah.
She took the letter and it was written:
I'm regretting everything i did and i hope Sarah you would forgive me.I've never hated you but loved you very much.It's just my jealousy got the better of me.I am a very insecure person and seeing you doing good made me envy you so i asked you to leave brother-in-law and that was the day i knew i lost all my morals.I thought you never had to struggle for anything and always get what you want but that was just my wishful thinking burying the reality and blinding myself with envy and jealousy.I know this is karma for not appreciating the things you've done for me and blaming you for mistakes i did.I wish for one last thing and that is for you to forgive me.
.Thankyou Sister.

© lost_in_mymind 2023