

Denying Self to Carry My Cross Part 2 How?
I am so messed up, I do not understand myself, nor how I affect others; others are so messed up that they do not realize how they affect me, nor understand what they are causing me to do. What is the remedy to this strange situation? What needs to be done? Where does it all start? What must I do to change and how must I respond to this situation? How do I help others to realize and want to change this situation?

Should all those that are messed up be removed? Then who would be left? Would those learning not to be messed up be removed? And who can divide the two? For, is not being messed up the same position as those that need to learn not to be messed up? Is not the same things needed to be learned by those messed up, the same as those things that are taught to those to prevent them from being a mess up?

Should all the wrong be removed immediately? If we do not replace it with what should have been, will it cause the good things in our lives all to collapse? And will not learning those things need to not be messed up going to take time? None of us have the position to be able to see every detail of the way that all these things should be, nor what should be learned first and by who, but yet we are all given the responsibility to.

Some of us do not know this, some will come to realize it; some of us already realize this, but those of us that do are like those that do not, not knowing what to do. There is a need for the One that does know and understand all of these things, and Who loves each of us with all the love in the world, because He is all the love that is in the world. So, maybe change comes from Who He is.?! Or maybe the change will come from seeing Who He is within how He responds.?!

For, if He is not a different being and set apart from us all, then He, too, would be even more messed up then us all, for we all would not be separated from Who He is, and we would be His mess up. But, if purity, true love, and perfection does not exist, then how could the thought, hope, and need for it, be so presently known? So, how do we receive from Him the lessons that we need to learn to not be so messed up?

We must give up ourselves unto His loving care; we must surrender our rights to the responsibilities that we wear; we must humble our attitudes to not strain our ability to receive His instructions; and we must learn how to treat Him, carefully to not to deceive ourselves into believing we know how to do that.

We must become a temple to house His Spirit of the Love of Life; for He is the Life we will love, He is the Love that we shall live, and He is the Spirit that will lead and guide our way to love living a life of love; His love loving life through our hearts.

But why has He not already taught us to? How, with all He is, are we still messed up? If He is above all things, and seen every detail of who we are and what we do, even before we came to be, then how are we all needing this so badly? Can it be? Is it possible the answer lies in Who He is, apart from who we are?

For, does not love demand that those they loving anyone with all their heart, have the free-will choice to love them back for who they are? And is not He the Love that supplies the world with love, and demand that even more so? It is up to us to choose, for He has already made His decision when He began to love us all. Until next time, God's blessings be upon you and yours; your friend and brother, Stephen Scottt.
© Brother Stephen Scottt