

sorrows of a mother
"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.
She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?...

after all the praying and fasting for a baby boy,she is yet again to be insulted, abused and neglected...

her mind wondered around,the thoughts of having to be apologetic for getting a baby girl yet again, she became numb, what can she do?....

flashbacks of the hardship she went through when her third child was born, her eyes became weary of tears, she tried to hide them as the doctor was still there but she couldn't....

and she said silently but I wanted a boy...doctor do something, she knew there was nothing the doctor could have done but she asked anyway...

she kept on thinking how she prayed to God to bless her with children when she had none her exact words were...

"Dear God I stand before you today in great sorrow, I plead with you to bless me with a child like you blessed my mother and her mothers mother"....

before her firstborn daughter,she was mistreated,insulted and starved, to the in laws, she was a waste of time as they urged her husband to take another wife....

they called her a barren woman,a disgrace to mankind,what could she have done, is she God?.., like a helpless woman she was, she knelt down and prayed to the heavens and asked for mercy,what was once a loving marriage changed simply because of children......

finally when God decided to show mercy upon her restless soul...

everyone was happy because at last she is with child, but they had conditions.....what! how could they? and finally they said we want a son...

oh dear lord, why am I living a life of misery.....

finally the suspense ended but!!! a huge sigh!..

but she got a girl she could tell from their face expressions that what was once a joyful moment has changed yet again.....

then she said but my husband I am not God who gives children...

but her loving husband instead of loving her more for bringing life into this world,,he!he!.. sigh!!

he called her a disappointment, how? she was confused

when will her sunrise come, eventhough she was happy to be a mother ,her husband and in-laws made her life miserable.....

and today Mark's another day of sadness and sorrow

how much more can she take?

to be continued.....

© Nontetho_Mtembu