

At Bootcamp
Everybody was bored the atmosphere was so empty at Shedville bootcamp...Nothing was happening all the instructors had gone to bed or so it was thought. Sneaking out going for a cool walk was the pleasure for Sammy a cool dip in the pond a half of a mile from the camp.
I was tired of looking at the grey walls counting the tiles in the ceiling one more time. I'll be back before anybody miss me and it's so dam hot in here I'm sweating.
Now everybody is asleep but bump that it's hot in here I said to myself. As I got my shoes I made a noise which made Daisy my bunk mate turn over but she was sleep so I just left. I got my backpack checking for my flashlight because it was dark. I wasn't scared because it was a full moon and it looked almost daylight. It didn't take me long to reach the pond and I couldn't wait to dive in the little pond as inviting as it is but not as inviting...
As they came up from swimming water ran down the moonlight cascading the entire picture I bit the towel I was holding out of surprise. All I could do was stare they could wear the hell out of a pair of Jean's but this was a better suit for them altogether. Not a stitch of anything kept me from imagining,
off balance I stepped back ruffling leaves
they didn't even flinch.
Come on in I won't bite you unless...
they said, I.. I'm sorry I didn't know that you were here, but finding out didn't keep you from watching you've been standing there for more than 20 minutes they said.
Turning their back to me, I'll close my eyes while you change into your suit they said.
What suit? I asked.. Skinny dipping is not allowed at bootcamp you know.. I sure like the color of your suit that's a beautiful tan I said. They dove under again coming up right in front of me my body twitched as the dark body stood up making me want to dry them off with just my bare hands.
In the water they stood under my height out I have to look up to talk to them.
So I just stood there wanting to touch their body but I didn't look away when they walked out and they didn't want me to.
Not even drying off they got dressed
bending down eyeing me eyeing them.
Now West you know that you're not supposed to leave the dorm without anyone knowing....you know I said... aren't you going to take a swim that is what you came here for
or are you scared I'll see you I just looked.
As we walked back to the camp not talking we just looked at each other i got to the dorm door they look rubbing a closed fist over their mouth goodnight West they said.
I didn't say anything.
The next morning at breakfast Sammy sat at the table two rows straight across my table. A spoonful look so... smooth I looked down thinking off limits forbidden no touching this early 7:00 and they are what I wanted for breakfast.
Days went by I didn't dare go for a moonlit walk knowing they might be there at the pond. We watched each other in passing never saying anything to each other but I want to just watch them in the moonlight.
The weekend and Sammy wasn't anywhere to be seen I didn't know but his father died and he had to leave and I can finally get a swim.