James Hook ( pt - 2 )
I rashly drove my car to Charlie's house. But when I went he had already left from there. There was a lock at the door.
I asked to a guard of that area about him so he told me that Charlie left the house with a little boy before an hour because the little boy became ill so he took him to the doctor. I asked him, "Do he saw the little boy?"
He told me," I saw him with the Charlie. He was in a car but was looking ill. Charlie said that he was taking him to the doctor.
I asked, "Which doctor?"
He said, "Sorry sir I don't know but Charlie sir said about you that if you come to me there was an address of the doctor at his door."
I ran back to the door of Charlie. I saw an envelope over there seen half under the door. I pull it and then open to read. There was a letter.
Hey James,
I know you are searching for Iris but Iris wasn't here if you want him so meet me at the Lysma...