

Opportunity knocks
Insecurity just set around and decided that he was to afraid to move on his own. He needed validation from outside resources in order for him to feel whole. One day insecurity wanted to start something new, but deep down inside he knew he was to afraid to make that change. Causing him to have anxiety and panic attacks.
Feeling his gut drop beneath the Earth with just the thought of change. I feel like I'm just stuck, can't move and I don't understand why. I'm so still in this form of contemplation. I know that there is so much more for me to do, but my thoughts gets me in a state of doubts all the time. Trying hard to over come the feeling of being stuck Insecurity wanted change bad. But he knew that wanting something and going to get something were two different things. I'm thinking if I can just let go of this fear I have I'll be ok. So the next day Insecurity was having his morning coffee at the same time and place for over 20 years. He still woke up at the same time doing the same routine, noticing no difference. But what was different that day for him was the beautiful lady that came into the coffee shop. Insecurity was immediately drawn to this woman, not understanding why besides how beautiful she was. It was just something special about this lovely soul, she had such a glow around her. Maybe I should go say hi, but knowing myself Insecurity, I'm just going to say the wrong thing. As Im telling myself to get it together, I looked up and there she was." Wow" was all I can say, not knowing that I just spilled a hot cup of coffee on my lap. Are you ok? she asked in such away that I almost melted with the coffee. Yes I'm ok I replied. I think, still trying to grasp all that I am feeling right now. I feel the anxiety coming on, along with the pain from the hot coffee I just spilled on my lap. What's your name? I asked her, finally feeling the the urge to ask it. She said in a soft tone "Opportunity." Wow what a beautiful bold name, I said to her knowing that meeting her was no coincidence, not with my type of luck. This was all meant to be. So I asked her. Would you like to join me? (clearing my throat) trying not to stare to much into her golden brown eyes. Sure ok she replied. The moral of the story is to never give up on life and your life will never give up on you. Live in the moment and never let your thoughts control your heart.
© TeriSmith