

Once upon a time, there was a lady and she lived by herself.She always wanted a daughter since she was a little girl herself.
One bright morning she was watering the plants and crying 😭, and thinking if she had a little girl with whom she could play with.That time a fairy god mother appeared in front of her.She asked the reason for her crying.The lady told that she have set her ❤️ heart upon having a little girl.She requested the fairy god mother to tell her where she can find one.She was helpless.The fairy god mother convinced her not to worry about 😇 and she told that it can be easily managed.
The fairy god mother with her magical powers 🧝🔮 brought forward a seed 🌱 in front of her.She starts to told about that seed that it is not an ordinary seed that grows in farm. This seed needs lots of love😍 and warmth.The fairy god mother told her to put it in a flower pot and ask her to see what will happen and not to forget to give it enough sunlight.The lady thanked for the wonderful wish to her.
She planted the seed in a pot.She kept the plant infront of the window for enough 🌞 sunlight.It quickly grew into a fine large flower which looked very much like a 🌷 tulip.The woman nourished it with love and watered it each day.One day she softly 😘 kissed half shut petals.And as though by magic, the flower opened in full blossom.Inside the flower sat a delicate and graceful little maiden girl.The lady decided the girl as her daughter and she belongs to her.She is not bigger than the size of her thumb so the woman call her as Thumbelina.The lady introduce herself as her mother.The flower had given her the daughter that she dreamed of.She had a walnut shell that served as her cradle.Violet petals for her mattress and she pulled up a rose petal as her blanket.During the day she played ina tulip petal boat floating ona plate of water and rowed herself from side to side with two oars made of white horse-horse hair.It really was a very pretty sight.
One night, she lay fast asleep in her walnut shell.A large 🐸 frog hopped through a hole in the window pane.The frog admired in her beauty and thought that she would make the perfect 👰 bride for her own dear son and she took her with the walnut shell in which little tiny lay asleep 💤 and put thumbelina ona water lily leaf in the middle of the pond.They have placed in the middle of the lily leaf so now she will never be able to escape from them.Left all alone on the green leaf, Thumbelina sat down and cried.She didn't want to have the frog's horrible son as her husband.
On the other hand, mother tried to find Thumbelina in every corner of her 🏠, but she couldn't find her.There was a shoal of fishes which swam in the water beneath her.They had seen the frog and heated their conversation.They felt very sorry so they decided to help her.Meanwhile the frog and her son were busy in making the wedding plans.The fishes gathered around the green stem and nibbled it with their teeth.The leaf separated from the stem and Thumbelina started floating.She thanked the guys for thier kind help.
Thumbelina went away, far far away where the frog's couldn't find her.Thumbelina sailed past many a place.Some of the little birds saw her and sang about her pretty.As darkness grew, she wrapped herself with the leaf and slept.But the next morning, she woke up at a place where the sun struck the water and it looked like shining gold.She was heading towards the end of the stream.Just then, a big bug flew by.The bug too excited to see her and it tries to help immediately he fastened his claws around her and took her away to a far far away place.The bug took her to his 🏠.
After a while,when they reached Mr.bug's house, all the other bugs who lived in the tree came to see who had came.The bug introduce Thumbelina to all other bugs and told them that he goings to marry her.The other bugs told that she have only two legs and two hands and told not to marry her and also she looks like a human being.They told that she looks very ugly and the bug too agree them.And finally in anger the bug left her somewhere deep in the the woods.The winters approached.Snow began to fall and the poor girl shivered with cold.It was terribly cold for her.She walked and walked finding food and shelter.
No sooner did she come across a little cottage.She went to the huge door of the cottage and knocked.Out came a field 🐁mouse who lived in the cottage.The mouse helped her. Thumbelina went inside.The cottage was warm and cozy with a whole store room of grain and a kitchen with a pantry.The mouse was so fascinated by Thumbelina's beauty that she wanted her to stay with her forever.At every weekend there comes the neighbour of Mrs.mouse.Soon the bell rang and there appeared a mole.He paid them a visit in his black velvet coat.The mole heared her voice and fell in love💘 with her sweet voice.He decided to marry her.So he went to the mouse and said to marry the pretty girl to him so that he give all his food and house to the mouse.Mrs mouse couldn't tell no to the rich mole.Thumbelina didn't want to marry the Mole.So the next morning, she decided to run away.While wandering in the woods, she came upon an injured sparrow lying in the forest.As she went closer, she saw that the sparrow was alive.He was just injured and its bleeding.Thumbelina deciced to help the little bird🐦 and got some bandages and medicine for the sparrow.The little sparrow could fly as she applied bandages.The bird thanked her for the help and soon Thumbelina saw the mouse and the mole approaching and calling out her name.As Thumbelina heared their voice she told the sparrow everything.Thumbelina climbed on the sparrow and flew away.The mole and mouse were startled as the saw Thumbelina flying away.The sparrow took her to a flowerland where there were all types of flowers and little birds who would sing.Thumbelina was very happy.No sooner did she remembered her real home how her mother grew her up with her love.She felt very sad and wanted to go home now.
But suddenly, there appeared the king of flowerland.He saw Thumbelina and fell love with her.He asked her about that.Thumbeljna thought for a minute.Here indeed was a different sort of husband from the froggy's son,Mr bug and mole with his black velvet coat.She puts a condition that if he leave her to her home.He agreed and brought Thumbelina a 🎁 present.The best gift of all was a pair of wings that had belonged to a large silver fly.When these were made fast to her back, she too could fly from flower to flower.After the marriage, the king and Thumbelina flew away and found the mother's home.The mother was really happy to see her back.Mlther welcomed both of them and they lived happily ever after.