

We limit ourselves by not limits but through misconceptions.
What some people put forward is" It is the exact thoughtfulness that, we in today's time have associated stubbornly with our judgment which is of 2-minute judgement about someone. It could only convey to you about your own mind that you are a mental handicapped, but don't say anything. Because it is the subcontinent where you are allowed to live on cooked-up things or the affairs that push us to the edge of life and death, it is the proof of the thick mentality which is more thicker than any layer probably but, we never cherish the flexibility of the mind and ability, and Tagore himself stated in his book" India's problems started from it's core, right from the beginning and this is the fact. For us, there is only one slogan Education is important, well. Education is not only limited to the importance, because that importance is only something that says. Have a certificate and go away and this is the exhausted and uprooted definition of education that has turned many of those who are young into parrots. It is good that Tagore, he is dead otherwise, he would have had the heart ache instead of attack because of the current state of the surroundings.