

Chapter Seven
Daniel woke with a terrible headache.

''ugh...'' He sighed, putting his hand to the back of his head and sitting up.

''Daniel, you're alright. Thank God! For a moment I thought you were dead.''

''No. Not dead just got a splitting headache.'' He replied, putting his hand to the back of his head again.

"Let me take a look." She said.

''No, it's alright. It's not too bad. Really. Where are we?''

'I'm not sure. I just woke up here. And it seems we've been kidnapped.''

''Kidknapped? Hm. I wonder by who and why?'' He stood up and looked through the bars of the small cell in which they were being held in captivity.

''Hello? Is there anyone there?'' He said loudly. There was no answer.

''I'm not liking this at all.'' He said, sitting down.

''You think I do? Are you sure you're alright? You look pale.'' He smiled a little and nodded.

''Yeah. I'm fine. Just got a headache is all.''

''There's more to it than that. You're looking really pale. Do you have your heart pills?'' He checked his pockets and sighed.

''No. I don't. Whoever knocked us on the head must have taken them.''

''But you have to take them or you could die!''

''I'll be fine Jess.''

They were in the cell for what seemed like forever. Until someone called his name.

''Hello, Daniel.'' Said a male voice.

''Have we met?''


''Than how do you know my name?'' The man smiled.

''I know your secret Daniel. You're just like those things that the government created.'' Daniel looked at the man.

''Who are you?''

''Somone you'll want to know. But first, you're going to do something for me.''

''And what is that?''

''You're going to kill your little girlfriend over there.''
© Elizabeth Harris