

History Repeated
There's a saying that goes "history repeats itself", and I never thought much about it until history repeated itself on August 29, 2021 when Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana exactly sixteen years to the date of hurricane Katrina.
The devastation hit everyone in Louisiana and so did the horrible memories of loved ones who passed away in hurricane Katrina . Homes and businesses were destroyed as well and Hurricane Ida was no different. People were without electricity, some for weeks, in the heat of the summertime when temperatures reached in the upper 90 degrees. There is still debris, wet and broken furniture and appliances still on the curbs as of this date because garbage pickup is so far behind. I was one of the unlucky ones who rode out both of them, but since I am still here after being pulled out of an upstairs window, spent a night sleeping on the roof of a hospital, taken to a police station to wait for a ferry to get us out of the parish, had to stay in a guarded shelter, and subjected to people overdosing on drugs and being raped I guess I am unlucky maybe; but also blessed that I made it through both of them.
I pray that history is finished repeating itself for a long time.