

I Got You (Part 2)
Part 2
Text messages

Ridhhi was excited to see her college friends. She waved at him, hold Manvi’s hand and pull her towards the coffee table where her friends were standing in a circle. Manvi allowed her to do that because she was not in her senses anymore. Her eyes were fixed on a particular figure. She felt a strong magnetic pull that attracted all of her concentration to him. Ridhhi said hello to all her friends and was welcomed warmly by everyone. “Everyone, she is Manvi. My roommate and my best friend.” She introduced Manvi to everyone. “And Manvi. This is my gang. Avinash, Rehan, Purva, Rachana. And he is our host. Raghav.” “Raghav”, the name of the man Manvi was impelled with. Raghav was a full package with attractive looks and a well build body. He was tall, had black hair, and a sweet smile. He was wearing a white casual shirt with black trousers. He was a charm for the eyes. Manvi broke her stare just before people started to question and said a smiley hello to everyone.
“We should sit somewhere. I am really exhausted from work and have no energy in my legs.” Rachana said in a tired voice. “Yeah… a party in midweek is not a good idea,” Avinash said while tilting his glass towards Raghav. Raghav said nothing, he had something else in his mind. “hey... daydreamer. Back to earth man.” Avinash patted Raghav’s shoulder. “huh…what,” Raghav said, feeling confused and not knowing about the conversation happening around him. Everyone laughed and Raghav shoved his face in his hand. Manvi was watching him and did not take a part in the laughter. There was a little blush on her face “Ok guys… Stop making fun of him. Let’s find a spot where we can talk and drink” Ridhhi said while searching for a place for the group to relax “We can sit there on the sofa. Music is not loud there” Raghav pointed out a corner of the room and everyone headed towards the half-circle-shaped sofa, big enough to accommodate everyone.
“This party is amazing. I needed one like that” Purva said while adjusting herself on the sofa with a pillow.
“Since when did you become a party lover?” Rehan said with a chuckle and sipped from his glass
“Ever since I started to work with some shitheads in the court.” Purva snarled while taking a sip from her glass and sighed. “who said being a lawyer is fun. Huh? I will slap that person hard, I swear.”
“No one said that darling” Rachana said with a smile. “You chose this profession because of your ex,” there was a grin on her face. Purva gave her a death stare.
“I still can’t believe you chose a career because of a guy who left law after four months to become a freelance singer. And then left you because you were serious about your life. Wow man,” Avinash said without looking at Purva. “ Yes, I am stupid and all. But you know what I am more successful in my field than you both idiots.” Purva said in an angry voice which made Rachana and Avinash laugh.
“Hey…cheer up girl. We all are happy to have you as one of the best criminal lawyers of the state” Rehan said with a big smile. “at least we know where to go after murdering someone” He whispered loudly and everyone laughed. Purva pouted and said nothing.
Manvi was quiet the whole time. Raghav was quiet too. They both were trying to engage in the conversation but their eyes were fixated on one another. During the conversation, their eyes met many times and when it happened, they blushed. Not so hard to be noticed by everyone, but only by the person, they wanted to. Ridhhi was the only one in the group who has the senses to notice that exchange of looks between her friends. But she said nothing and let them play their little blushy game.
“Hey, Ridhhi. What about you. Still on the break” Rehan asked.
“Oh yes… I think I need some more time.” Ridhhi said while looking at her bottle.
“Perks of having a rich dad,” Rachana said with rolled eyes.
“Well… yes. Jealous huh?” Ridhhi said in a voice with attitude.
“Yes. I am.” Rachana made a face and rolled her eyes “Manvi. What do you do? Please don’t say you are on a break too like her. One person to irritate me with this attitude is enough for me” Ridhhi raised an eyebrow and laughed sarcastically at Rachana’s comment.
“No, I don’t have a perk of having a rich dad. Soo….. I have to work.” Manvi shrugged and Rachana chuckled at her comment. “I am a graphic designer in Wellgraph Inc.” She said quietly. “she manages a team of 10 designers there,” Ridhhi said a little louder than Manvi in an appreciative tone. “She is the best you can find and she is really good”
“Wow… a creative head among us,” Avinash said and clapped.
Manvi looked at Raghav who has a sly smile on his face. She blushed hard but manage to erase it in seconds. Ridhhi noticed it and smile while sipping from her bottle.
“Raghav. Why are you here? You were working as a consultant in a Bangalore-based finance company. Why are you here then?” Purva asked.
“My company is going to open a new branch here in Delhi. If I simplify the words for you. This new office will go to work as a communication hub for all the offices in India to the Bangalore head office. And they want me to work from here now. So….. I am here” Raghav said and looked at Manvi and then suddenly at his friends.
“Welcome back to Delhi, my friend,” Avinash said and give a friendly punch to Raghav’s chest on the right side. “I am really happy to see all of us together again. Little old and frustrated. But still, we all are here.”
Everyone hooted in happiness. The party was fun and everyone enjoyed the company of friends with booze and nostalgia and lots of gossip about many things. All the friends were busy in their conversation and leg-pulling each other. Manvi and Raghav were on the edge of starting something new. They did not talk to each other the whole night and let their eyes communicate until words find the courage to come out.

The next morning, Manvi was busy in her office preparing for the meeting with yesterday’s client. Today, she had to finalize everything before presenting it in front of her boss. The meeting was tough. A total headache for her. But she managed to satisfy the client with her ideas and project details and set everything up with him before the lunch break. She was having lunch in the cafeteria while scrolling down her Instagram. Ridhhi bombed the social media with pictures of last night and tagged her in her every post everywhere. She was enjoying comments and laughing while reading some friendly teasing between Purva and Rachana about secrets they shared. Her thumb stopped on Raghav’s pictures. Raghav and Rehan were sitting on chairs. It was a candid photo posted by Rehan with many others. Rehan was pointing out something and both were laughing in the conversation they were having at that time. Manvi felt her lips forming a smile involuntarily. She bit her lower lip and stop herself from blushing like a love-bound foolish teenager in front of her colleagues. She liked the photo and scrolled up for some more. The time after lunch was good.

Manvi opened the door of her apartment and took off her shoes and went to the kitchen for water. “Ridhhi…I am home. Where are you, babe?” She shouted while taking out the water bottle from the fridge. Ridhhi came out of her room in pajamas “Sometimes, You sound like a husband.” She sat on the couch and yawned. “And you are the wife who never cooks,” Manvi said with a grin on her face. “Complain, complain, always complain. Bad husband” Ridhhi said with rolled eyes and laid on the couch. Manvi laughed at her comment and sat on the couch near her feet.
“So… what did you do all day?” she asked.
“Nothing… sleep, eat, and sleep. I don’t have any plan for tonight too. We can cuddle and sleep.” Ridhhi said without opening her eyes. She adjusted herself in a fetus-like position to give Manvi more space to sit comfortably.
“How… How can you sleep all the time? You can sleep 24 hours with four 15 minutes breaks for food.” Manvi said with a raised eyebrow and fake anger on her face.
“Well……” Ridhhi opened her eyes and looked at Manvi. “It is so simple. You just have to close your eyes. Stop thinking about any problem you have in your life and relax your body. The time you forget all your worries, sleep will accept you and embrace you like a child. And you feel the love and warmth of the presence of the most beautiful thing in the world. Sleep” Ridhhi said with a smile and giggle lightly.
Manvi stared at her as she explained her theory without any words. “You can be the teacher for ‘How to be lazy and sleepy all day’ class” she sighed and stared at the painting hanging on the wall near.
“How was your meeting with that customer,” Ridhhi asked with a yawn. “Did you finalize your deal?”
“Ohh…yes. Everything was good. We made peace and everything is on track now.”
“So… Why are you distracted and quiet? Did anything happen?”
“No. No. everything is fine. Just fine” she said without giving any attention to Ridhhi. There was a fainted smile on her face. She was staring at the painting and Ridhhi made a confused face and lay down again.
They were sitting in silence. Manvi’s phone notification tone broke their silence. Manvi took out the phone from her pocket and checked. It was an Instagram notification. A message from Raghav. She stared at the screen with an open mouth. Before she answered the text, another message popped up which pulled her from a half-paralyzed situation.
Raghav: Hay
Raghav: Raghav this side.
Manvi: Hey…How are you?
Raghav: I am good.
Raghav: how are you?
Manvi: Good.
Raghav: last night. Did you enjoy the party?
Manvi: Yes. I did. It was fun. It was nice to know everyone.
Raghav: Nice.
Raghav: everyone liked you too. It was nice to add a new member to the old group.
Manvi: I like it too.
Raghav: Hope you hang around more.
Manvi: yes. Of course.
Raghav: good.
“Seriously. You are awful in chat girl” Ridhhi said with a big sigh. Manvi was too busy with her phone. She did not know when Ridhhi shifted from her seat and stood behind her, reading her chat. “What?” She said with a shock. “Give me your phone,“ She snatched Manvi’s phone from her hand. She sat on the couch on another end, a little far away from Manvi. “Hey… Give it to me” “Shhh…I am doing some important message.” She said in a serious tone and busied herself with phone texting.
Manvi: well…umm last night. You looked good.
Raghav: Ohh…thanks.
Raghav: You looked pretty good too.
Manvi: that’s why you could not move your eyes from me?
Raghav: I can tell the same.
Manvi: You can. You were a good sight to see there.
Raghav: I thought you never admit.
Raghav: so… will you come to the next party?
Manvi: I don’t like parties. So much noise and crowd.
Raghav: No problem. We can meet somewhere quiet.
Manvi: Ohh… Really.
Raghav: if you don’t like the crowd then, We can meet somewhere quiet for some talk and eat something.
Manvi: and your friends will be ok?
Raghav: well… Yeah. Why not. They are not crazy party heads too.
Manvi: hmm… sounds good. We all can meet somewhere.
Raghav: What about only you and me?
Manvi: only?
Raghav: yeah…. I mean for knowing each other.
Manvi: You asking me for a date?
Raghav: If you like to
Manvi: Let me think
Raghav: Please say yes….
Manvi: Okk… Friday night
Raghav: Cool. Wow.
Manvi: Easy boy. I will text you the time
Raghav: Where would you like to go?
Manvi: Surprise me.

She closed the app and handed over it to the Manvi who sat on the couch like a scared child from a ghost. She took the phone and put it on the couch. “What did you do?” She said with a sigh, looking at Ridhhi for an answer.
Ridhhi looked at her and chuckled. “Relax sweety. I just fixed a date for you.”
“What?” She said in a choked voice. “Yes…Excited” She said with a smirk on her face.
Manvi opened her mouth and closed it. But said nothing. She pointed a finger toward Ridhhi and tried to say something but no words.
“Heyyyy….come on. You wanted this. Right?” Ridhhi said and rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me that stupid innocent victim kind of looks. I saw you two staring at each other shamelessly. What did you think, huh? No one noticed. Well… I did”
Manvi took the phone and read the chat. “You are unbelievable,” Manvi said with wide eyes while reading the chat.
“It was nothing. It was actually pretty easy because this man is already into you. It was only one line and he was on track.” Ridhhi said with a shrug.
Manvi was staring at the phone screen without any expression. Ridhhi put a hand on her lap and grabbed her attention. “Hey… He is a good person. I will never set you with the wrong person, you know that.” Manvi looked at her friend and smile faintly. “I am just nervous. It will be my first date. I mean the FIRST.” Manvi said with extra effort on the word ‘first’.
“I know and it will going to be alright. Trust me. He is an easy guy. You will enjoy”
“By the way. The look you both were giving last night to each other. Gosh….too much lovey-dovey to handle for my little heart.”
“Shut up. You are way more awful than me. You should look your face when you talk about your new love every other week.” Manvi said with a pout.
“Are you good with it? I can cancel it if you want.” Ridhhi asked. “No… I mean. It will look rude to say no.” “hmmm….yeah” “Yeah” “Okk... then good luck for your Friday night date. Don’t forget to text him the time before.”
“Go and cook something. I am hungry.” Ridhhi whined and laid back on the couch.
Manvi groaned and stand to go to the kitchen “You are a really bad wife”
Ridhhi chuckled “and you love me”
“Ohh… I hate you” Manvi said and rolled her eyes. She went to the kitchen for cooking something nice. She was way more happy than she can admit
© savii