

first Deserve then Desire part 2

These very principles apply in all the domains of life. History bears the testimony that the French revolution deserved true democracy that lead to the eradication of oligarchy, likewise the Pakistan Resolution deserved to be the ‘Magna Carta’ of Pakistan upon which the Muslims of the subcontinent demarcated ‘the land of pure’. However, the very land has become ‘the land of surprise’ and has assumed almost the status of a beggar which desire everything but deserve nothing. There exist a well-defined politics but of power; there is a religion but for sowing the seeds of extremism; there exist a social order but of dispersed nature; and there is a culture but of begging and borrowing. As a matter of facts, all these politico-economic practices reveal that the betrayed nation deserve nothing. The whole country is in a state of mess presenting a sorry figure of dreams unfulfilled. The notion ‘first deserve then desire’ suits well to the country. There exists a continuous inflow of foreign aid while the state desire to pursue an independent foreign policy. The political parties are undemocratic but yearn for true democracy to come. War on terror is being fought without first eradicating the culture of extremism. The dream of literate and egalitarian society is being viewed in the perspective of stratified education system. There are no effective checks to control gender discrimination while the state excepts peaceful protests. There is nothing to be called accountability and transparency while the government desire for the good governance. All this dictates that first deserve then desire in establishing democrats’ norms. In the light of grave mismanagement of natural resources, the government desire to curb energy crisis.
© Noman Ali