

A Moment of Bliss
Girl: Ah, finally, this is the moment!

Boy: Will you ever leave me?

Girl: Nah!

Boy: Do you love me?

Girl: Yes, A lot!

Boy: Have you ever cheated on me?

Girl: Are you crazy?! Of course not!

Boy: Do you want to kiss me?

Girl: Everytime I get the chance!

Boy: Would you ever hit me?

Girl: Why are you even asking me this?! No!

Boy: Can I trust you?

Girl: Yes

Boy: Darling

Girl: Gasp No..

Boy: Will you marry me?

Now read it backwards.

© ıllıllı ՏOႮᎷᎽᎪ ᎡᎪΝᎫᎪΝ ıllıllı

If you are laughing or smiling after reading this , then please do like and comment if you wish to motivate me in writing such contents and publishing it for you.
And I also hope none should face this type of situations or conversations in their life.
Have a good day and great future ahead my friends without such tensions.