

The Slow Blow (My little pony)
Discription: Unable to rid himself of his erection, Soarin has a nurse 'assist' him with his rather large and stiff problem

Soarin fidgeted on the examination table inside of Ponyville’s hospital. His dick stood at attention, still smeared with the mare’s cum and sexual juices from a short while ago. Now regretting his decision to take pills to give him a harder and longer-lasting erection, Soarin swore to himself that he’d never use them ever again if everything worked out.

He had been waiting for ten minutes already, and his cock was so stiff that it was starting to tingle, and not in a good way. The sharp, pungent smell of marecum hung in the air, making him wish that he’d washed himself off before flying here. He had tried jerking off after the mare had left his hotel room, but he just couldn’t finish. On top of that, no male doctors or nurses were available. As per usual protocol, males got to see male doctors and vice versa for the females, but since it was so late at night, only the females remained. There was one doctor on staff here, but Soarin had been told that she was busy with somepony who got injured in a fight during the show, leaving him with the next down the chain of seniority.

Nurse Redheart.

Soarin heard hoofsteps echoing down the hall, becoming louder and louder with each passing second. He shifted to the side and tried to hide his erection, but it was just so large and stiff that he couldn’t do a damned thing about it. As he heard the door start to creak open, he turned around completely so that his back was to the door. He heard somepony walk inside the room, shut the door, then lock it.

He shot a glance over his shoulder and saw a cute white mare. “He—hello there, Nurse.”

Nurse Redheart smiled warmly at him then placed her clipboard on the counter. “Hello, Soarin.” She cleared her throat, then coughed awkwardly. “I’ve heard of your, er... condition. Can you turn around so I can see please?” A blush tinted her cheeks a soft pink as she sat down. “And can you explain your problem?” She twirled a hoof in front of her.

Soarin sighed. He knew that he was going to have to do this eventually, so he might as well get over it and get it done with. Biting his lower lip, he turned back around and criss-crossed his legs, using his forelegs to try and hide his dick. The nurse simply giggled at him.

“You know you don’t have to be so uncomfortable around me, Soarin,” Nurse Redheart said. “I can already see your, um... tip peeking out from behind your legs.”

“Oh, er... Okay.” Though he was still tense, Soarin relaxed and dropped his legs back to his side. He wasn’t wearing his uniform, so his balls sat in plain sight, snugly sitting right beneath his now-throbbing cock. He cringed as he saw Nurse Redheart’s eyes go wide. Her lips formed a perfect ‘o’ and her blush deepened.

“Well... after the show, I went out for drinks with my team. This and that happened, and I ended up in some mare’s bed. I took some, er...” He lowered his voice and let his ears flick back. “Performance-enhancing pills for under the sheets ...”

“Did you successfully orgasm?” Nurse Redheart asked, her eyes never leaving his dick.

“Uh, yeah... Once.” This time, Soarin blushed as well. An awkward silence fell over the both of them until he spoke up again. “So... what can we do to make this go away?”

“Well, there are a couple ways.” Nurse Redheart glanced away as she thought. “Using a needle, we could drain the blood from your—”

“Nope! Nope nope nope, not doin’ that!” Soarin waved his forelegs in front of him. He wasn’t a big fan of needles, especially when it concerned his junk.

“Yeah, most ponies don’t go for that one,” Nurse Redheart said with a giggle. “Another option would be to take some medication, but that could take a while to take effect. It depends on the pony, but sometimes the medicine doesn’t do anything for them.” Her blush deepened further. “Although...” She flicked her eyes up at him and cracked a half smile. “There is another option, one I’m sure we’d both readily agree to...” Nurse Redheart stepped up to him and stared at his stallionhood lustfully, then looked up into his eyes as she licked her lips.

“And what would that be?” Soarin asked, cocking an eyebrow. His heart rate increased as he stared into Nurse Redheart’s eyes. A bead of precum formed at his tip and he felt his wings start to stiffen behind him. His mind grew clouded and his cock dripped with arousal.

“Well, what if I sucked you off until I drained those supple balls of yours?” Nurse Redheart asked. She was so close that she could feel Soarin’s body heat. She nuzzled the side of his neck and took a step back, her gaze lingering on his cock. “This is the quickest way to make you go soft...”

“You, er... you sure?” Soarin asked, his voice shaky and coarse. “I don’t want anything to do with needles, and if you think this will work...” He glanced down at his cock and gave it a few rubs with his hoof until he felt her’s stop him.

“Please... let me,” Redheart whispered. “If it doesn’t work, then I can give you some medicine to make this... go away.” She laid a pair of kisses on each of his balls, then made a trail up his length. She smelled and tasted the previous mare’s cum on his cock, but that only aroused her more. Reaching the tip, she licked the bead of precum that had grown there, caught Soarin’s eye, then swallowed. “Like what you see?” she asked, her voice low and sultry. She laid her head in his lap as she stroked his length with a hoof, paying special attention to his medial ring.

“Oh, fuck yeah. Don’t stop...” Soarin said in a husky tone. He felt her hot breath travel up and down his cock, sending shivers down his back.

Redheart smiled and rolled her tongue up and over his head, then dragged her tongue all the way back down to his balls. With a cute giggle, she licked his tip then wrapped her lips around it, making Soarin throw his head back and groan. She smiled and started sucking lightly, running her tongue around his opening. Much to her delight, she tasted more precum, pushing her to work harder. She knew that she was doing good, but she had much more than this planned for her favorite Wonderbolt.

Running her tongue along the bottom of his shaft, Redheart moaned and slid down his length until she felt him poke the entrance to her throat. She glanced up and made eye contact with Soarin, gave him a sexy wink, then pushed down and swallowed at the same time, letting his cock slide into her tight throat. She moaned again, feeling a few droplets of her own arousal seep from between her lower puffy lips. They made a trail down her inner thighs, but she paid that no mind. She had a job to do, and she was going to do it right.

After slowly bobbing her head back and forth a few times, she pushed down even further, smiling as his medial ring passed between her lips and into her throat. She started to feel the need to breathe, so she pulled back, little by little until his tip was at her lips. Redheart kissed his tip, then wrapped her lips around him again, pushing downwards until he reached the back of her throat.

She smiled up at him again and ran her front hooves along the bottom half of his shaft, bobbing her head up and down ever so slowly. Taking a deep breath, Redheart ran her tongue from side to side along the underside of his cock as she took inch after inch inside of her again. She loved how he twitched and shuddered with everything she did for him, and she had a feeling that he was getting close. Seeing that she only had a little bit left to go, Redheart pushed down until her snout bumped against his crotch.

Redheart placed her forelegs on his hind legs and pushed them apart. His musky scent filled her nostrils as she held herself there, giving off small moans of lust. She knew all too well that moaning, or making any other kind of sound for that matter, made her throat vibrate so much that she’d had stallions cumming a lot sooner than they thought they would.

“W—wow...” Soarin muttered. He felt a pressure in his loins grow and his tip flared. His hind legs were twitching, sweat dripped down the back of his neck, and he felt like he was ready to burst. Soarin teetered on the edge, and as he tried to hold on, he snuck a glance down and made eye contact with Redheart. She winked at him, and that was just enough to tip him over.

With a groan, Soarin placed his rear legs around the back of her head and held her in place as his balls shuddered, shooting his load down her tight throat and right into her stomach. He thrust forward and moaned as he felt her throat tighten around his tip. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as waves of pleasure ran through his body. No other mare had made him cum like this before, and he couldn’t get enough of her.

Redheart hummed in satisfaction as she felt the first of many loads paint her tight, slick throat white with Soarin’s cum. She felt her stomach warm with his hot seed after the first couple of shots. While he was still lost in the midst of his orgasm, she pulled back as slowly as she dared. Redheart rubbed his balls, doing her best to coax as much cum out as she could. After his medial ring popped out from between her lips, she rubbed her hooves along the bottom half of his dick. Her lungs burned for air, but she pushed that to the back of her mind, instead going as slow as she could until he slid from her throat and into her mouth.

As soon that happened, she felt another load of cum shoot right into the back of her throat. She swallowed it hungrily and moaned, running her tongue all over his head. Praying that he had more in him, she bobbed her head back and forth then was rewarded a couple of moments later with two more weaker shots. She pulled back and let the cock slip past her lips as she held the cum in her mouth. Redheart swished it around, enjoying the thickness and salty taste of it, then tapped Soarin’s leg with a hoof. Redheart nuzzled the underside of his tip and was surprised to feel one last shot land right above her left eye. As Soarin rode the last remnants of his orgasm, she sat there patiently, not even bothering to wipe his seed from her face. She liked feeling his warm seed drip down her face, and she was happy to see Soarin’s erection soften.

His chest heaving up and down, Soarin felt Nurse Redheart tap his leg. He wearily looked down, silently noting that his erection was softening. He looked back at her, his eyes going wide as he saw her mouth full of his cum. He watched with bated breath as she swished it around her mouth, then after a few moments, she winked at him and smiled, then swallowed. She opened her mouth and licked her lips, letting Soarin see that she had swallowed every last drop.

“Hm... I see that my little idea worked.” Nurse Redheart smiled and planted small kisses on the base of his cock. It hardened beneath her again, and Soarin bucked forward instinctively. “Now that we’ve solved your little problem...” She stood up and bent over the counter, then spread her hind legs. Redheart lifted her tail away, revealing her soaked nethers. Looking over her shoulder, she shot him a sultry grin and asked, “Maybe you can help me with mine?”