

Thor And The Secrets Of Muspelheim
After a while , Thor lands in Hellheim and feels the ground shaking beneath him . He understands that the quake has hit Hellheim and he also sees that the quake has destroyed a temple to Hella . He completely ignores the destroyed temple and walks forward until he sees a ruined statue dedicated to Hella . He breaks the statue with his hammer and walks forward but he's stopped by Hela herself . He grins his teeth and raises his hammer high to attack but Hela says to him " I'm not looking for a fight . " after hearing that , he lowers his hammer and stops grinning and asks her " Hela , why is a quake in your realm ? " she replies " Even I don't know . " after hearing her reply , Thor says " What do you mean you don't know . Aren't you the ruler of your realm . " after hearing his reply , she says " let's argue later , let's find the cause of the quake . " he agrees and they both start thinking about who or what is the cause of the quake . After thinking for a few minutes , she says " Well , I guess the dwarves are behind the quake since they keep inventing stuff . " after hearing this , he says " Well I agree with you but I don't think that dwarves are capable of building such a thing that can shake realms . " after hearing this , she replies " We don't know what the dwarves are capable of building . " after hearing her reply , he nods and flies off to Nidavellir .