

You Reap What You Sow
Trumps time finally came. Now is the time for yours to come. And why not?
Just think. You reap what you sow!

We're in the midst of getting Trump out of office. Which got me thinking that something deeper must be happening with everyone! 🤔

What if good is rising, and bad is falling.

A few sayings coming to mind. Like
"What goes up, must come down."
"When nothing goes right, go left" and of course "You Reap What You Sow.

What if we are about to reap our rewards for all the good and all the bad we've sown in our lives. (Whichever suits you best)
Instead of "Woe Is Me" or "The Sky Is Falling!" Why can't it be that greater times are coming. The world has flipped to something we've never known before. So what if its about to flip in our favor lol?
If you can't tell. Im a hopeful individual 😌 and theres also that little voice/my intuition.

When you've lived your whole life on humility, morals and values, loving those and helping where you could. Working HARD and Manifesting all the things you know you deserved to have in life.
(Lets say, now you'll reap all you've sown)
Trumps lived his whole life on something of a cold structure. Never having to work for anything and having the WORLD handed to him (literally), having no regards to others,  stepping on people who he didnt see on his level. All because he could!
(Lets say, now he'll reap what he's sown)

Dont get me wrong either. This isnt to bash. But to compare.
So no offense to those who support Trump. Good for you, but this is for those who get it!

#good #thinking #thinkingdeep #wonder
© Creative Candace